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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It's the Season!


Autumn, oh, Autumn how I love you. Out of the four seasons, fall is the best season. You may disagree but I can say that you are wrong. Sorry. So, why have I fallen for fall? For numerous reasons and those reasons are:  

  1. The season is made for books. It’s the perfect weather to curl up in a chair and lose yourself in a book.
  2. Sweater Weather. Sweaters are cozy and can feel like a hug.
  3. The cool, crisp weather. The very air brushes against your cheek and has your body at the perfect temperature so you’re not sweating or forced to wear a bulky coat. 
  4. The changing leaves are nature’s painting—vibrant in a way that reminds me of a lovely fire. 
  5. Hot chocolate. Some might say this is the season of pumpkin spice and it is everywhere. But I hate pumpkin and most definitely pumpkin spice. Yuck! But if you are a lover of the P.S. then you are overjoyed. 
  6. Halloween. I’m not a big fan of dressing up in costumes but I love watching the horror movies and the bags of candy that I buy to hand out but end up eating so I must replenish the supply. 

What about Autumn do you like? Did I list your favorite aspect of the season or do you have something to add? 

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