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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inez--a short story by Janice Seagraves

First off, let me say the Central Valley is in a heatwave the week I wrote this, and maybe it’s my overcooked braining trying to come up with something. Also, I think my Muse is either high or drunk because she woke me with a dream at 3:00 am on repeat and I could sleep so I ended up writing this little gem at 4:00 am. I have no idea what to do with this story, so I'm posting it here. 


The tale is about Inez, shrouded in an enigma, encased in a mystery, or perhaps it's a poem.

It is told in the present tense.

The narrative begins with a girl visiting a gallery. As she peruses the art, she halts to admire two similar pots, styled in a Southwestern style, facing each other.

"Oh, look at those pots," she exclaims.

The gallery manager approaches. "Do you appreciate the art?"

"Yes, who is the creator?" she inquires.

"The artist is Inez," he replies. "He's in the back."

"Could you introduce me to him?"

"Certainly, I will fetch him." The manager departs and soon returns with a tall, slender man with long, loose black hair. "Meet Inez."

Inez hands the girl a piece of paper. "Please read this."

"Is it a poem?" As she reads the note, it reveals:




Art pots lead to a revelation, the revelation leads to Inez.

Inez is the revelation, yet the secret of the revelation is also Inez.

"I'm perplexed," the girl admits.

"Peruse it once more," he suggests.

After another read, she confesses, "I'm still baffled, and now I've developed a headache."

"Read on."

With each read, her headache intensifies, and she feels overwhelmed.

"Continue, you're nearing the truth."

Upon another read, she gasps. "The answer is clear. You are Inez!"

He nods affirmatively. "Inez is invariably the answer."

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Allure of Romance Novels

In the realm of literature, few genres evoke as much emotion, intrigue, and delight as romance novels. With their captivating narratives, vivid characters, and swoon-worthy plots, romance novels have secured a special place in the hearts of readers worldwide. Let's delve into the enchanting world of romance literature and uncover what makes these novels so irresistible.

The Power of Love Stories

At the heart of every romance novel lies the timeless theme of love. Whether it's the thrill of a new romance, the angst of unrequited love, or the joy of finding true soulmates, love stories resonate with readers on a deeply emotional level. In a world often filled with chaos and uncertainty, romance novels offer a comforting escape into a world where love conquers all.

 Diverse Characters, Diverse Stories

One of the most appealing aspects of romance novels is the vast array of characters and storylines they encompass. From historical romances set in bygone eras to contemporary tales of modern love, and from steamy paranormal encounters to tender LGBTQ+ relationships, there's a romance novel for every taste and preference. This diversity not only reflects the richness of human experience but also celebrates the universal quest for love and connection.

Empowering Themes and Messages

Contrary to stereotypes, romance novels are far more than just tales of damsels in distress and dashing heroes. Many romance novels feature strong, independent protagonists who navigate challenges, pursue their passions, and find love on their own terms. These stories often carry empowering messages of self-discovery, resilience, and the importance of following one's heart, making them both entertaining and empowering reads.

Escapism and Entertainment

In a world where stress and responsibilities can weigh heavily on our shoulders, romance novels offer a welcome escape into worlds filled with passion, adventure, and happily-ever-afters. Whether curled up on a rainy day or lounging on a sun-kissed beach, diving into a romance novel provides a much-needed respite from the demands of daily life. And with their addictive plots and page-turning suspense, it's no wonder readers find themselves devouring one romance novel after another.

The Enduring Appeal of Happily-Ever-Afters

Perhaps the most beloved aspect of romance novels is the promise of a happily-ever-after. In a genre where love triumphs over adversity, readers can't help but be swept away by the hope and optimism that permeate these stories. Whether it's a grand wedding, a passionate declaration of love, or a tender reunion, the culmination of a romance novel leaves readers with a warm and fuzzy feeling that lingers long after the final page is turned.


Romance novels hold a special place in the literary landscape, offering readers an irresistible blend of passion, adventure, and heartwarming romance. With their diverse characters, empowering themes, and enchanting storylines, these novels continue to captivate audiences of all ages and backgrounds. So whether you're a die-hard romantic or simply in need of a dose of feel-good escapism, pick up a romance novel and prepare to be swept off your feet into a world where love reigns supreme.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

New Book Trailer I made on Canva by Janice Seagraves

 I made a new--yes again--book trailer on Canva.

They have videos you can use for your book trailers. Such fun to use.

Yes, you have to pay for the Canva membership to get these videos. 

Alien Fury, Chronicles of Arcon Trailer #aliens #spacefight #sciencefiction #romance #youtubebooks

Monday, March 18, 2024

Going Down

Lately I’ve been in a reading slump. I have a towering TBR pile that I have been letting out their Siren song to come and read. And I fell for their spell and I picked up a book but after a page or two, no matter how good, I can’t seem to want to keep turning the pages. 

And I’m not the only person this happens to. We have all been in a reading slump for whatever the reason at some point in our reading lives. If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried to force yourself to read. But that takes out all the joy of this great hobby that brings us all so much joy. So when a reading slump pulls me down, I don’t try to fight it. 

A time will come when you will pick up a book and find yourself flipping those pages or swiping your e-reader with such swiftness that you cause a mini windstorm. And that is where I am now. My slump is ending and I’m reading a Harlequin Historical Romance entitled Lady Amelia’s Scandalous Secret by Eve Shepherd. 

This book has been in my TBR since last year but it banished my slump. And now, I feel life’s stresses melting away as I read the story about Amelia and Leo. My only problem now it seems is I don’t want to do anything else but read. 

How do you overcome a reading slump? Do you leave it be? Reread your favorites? Search out a new genre or author? Share your tips. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Dragon Mirror Book Trailer #urbanfantasy #romance #dragon #booktrailer

I remade the book trailer.

Please watch the video and leave a comment. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Authors To Check Out


Since this is a blog dedicated to the romance genre as well as the month of Valentine's Day, I had to share some romance novels that I enjoy. And with February being Black History month, I decided to share some Black authors who I really enjoy. 

  1. Beverly Jenkins: An O.G. of romance novels. You can’t go wrong with Rebel or any other book that has her name on it.
  2. Alyssa Coles: An author of contemporary and historical romance. You will enjoy yourself with her books.
  3. K.M. Jackson: A contemporary author of How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days ( who doesn’t want to know how to do that. Just Kidding) and who also wrote under Kwana Jackson.
  4. Vanessa Riley: A historical romance author she has a mystery series as well which I have yet to read. But I just love Island Queen.
  5. Farrah Rochon: Contemporary author her Boyfriend Project series is a good time had between pages.
  6. Tracey Livesay: Contemporary author of American Royalty. I snatched up this book just from the cover and I wasn’t let down. 
  7. Jasmine Guillory: A romantic comedy contemporary author I loved The Wedding Date so I’ve added more books. She is a go-to author for me.
  8. Bolu Babalola: A Reese’s Book Club pick so you know she can write a great book.
  9. Talia Hibbert: All I have to say is if her name is on the cover, slap down you money and enjoy. 


Saturday, January 27, 2024

New book trailer for Alien Fury by Janice Seagraves

 I made a new book trailer for my book Alien Fury.

Alien Fury: Chronicles of Arcon: Seagraves, Janice: 9798864319413: Books

The Arcon, Thorn Grindstone, finds himself alone and injured, thawing in a disabled cryogenics tank. Making an impulsive deal for a fighter, he launches into a battle with a pirate ship before beginning his search for his people.

After Thorn crash-lands in the widow Roxie Carson’s corn field. Roxie nurses the injured Arcon. As tension worsens between Roxie and her brother-in-law, Thorn turns out to be an unexpected ally.

Roxie is grateful to the handsome alien, but what will happen when the Arcon government finally shows up and takes Thorn away? What will her brother-in-law do then?

I found Home - Canva to be really good for making book trailers.

Please do me a huge favor and like and subscribe to my channel. 

Thank you.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Keeping It Straight

If you share one bad habit with me, it may be that you always forget some chores or tasks that need to be done. I always remember that elusive thing at some odd hour when I can do nothing to accomplish it. That's why I have a to-do list. 

Besides, helping me see everything I need to accomplish from the mundane to the trés important. In some ways, it is also a timeline of my life. And timelines are important especially when you're an author. You have deadlines, marketing plans, and social media posts among the other dozen things needing to be done. 

Timelines are also important in a novel. Recently, I started developmental edits for my historical Scottish romance and had to get the dates precise since some events in the manuscript center around historical events. Organizing those dates and that of my hero and heroine's budding romance has to happen at a set time since it's a slow-burn romance. 

Some authors use Post-its but since I live in a cramped Big Apple apartment, such a luxury isn't possible so I pull out a pile of loose-leaf paper and jot the main events of the story with enough space in between to add other events. I spent almost two days concocting the timeline. 

Now as I sit down to do my edits, my writing seems more organized, my mind less frenzied and confused (which benefits readers) and I'm not stressed. 

So, now, with that thick pile of paper, I know my story will flow logically and every event will fit into the time slot necessary. 

Do you plan out your day or week? Or do you possess the skill to get things done without it? 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Free Books on Smashwords by Janice Seagraves

 I'm trying something new; I'm giving away the first three book in my Chronicles of Arcon series. I'm also offering book four at a discount.

Hello, Readers!
I’m excited to announce that my book, Exodus Arcon books 1-3, will be available as part of a promotion on Smashwords for the end of December as part of their Annual End of Year Sale! This is a chance to get my book, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.
You will find the promo here starting on December 15, so save the link: and here Exodus Arcon Chronicles of Arcon Book 1 (
Please share this promo with friends and family. You can even forward this email to the avid readers in your life!
Thank you for your help and support!
Happy reading!

Exodus Arcon: told in three short stories. Planet Arcon is in trouble. Before their planet tears itself apart, the Arcons build three big spaceships to take them across the stellar reaches of space… towards Earth their new home. But, only the ruling class and the most brilliant minds can come. The rest must take their chances with the lottery. But one family cheats. The Arcons are coming…. Are you ready?

Monday, November 27, 2023

First Look at Alien Fury

 My new release is now available.

Alien Fury is the eighth book in Chronicles of Arcon. 

The Arcon, Thorn Grindstone, finds himself alone and injured, thawing in a disabled cryogenics tank. Making an impulsive deal for a fighter, he launches into a battle with a pirate ship before beginning his search for his people.

After Thorn crash-lands in the widow Roxie Carson’s corn field. Roxie nurses the injured Arcon. As tension worsens between Roxie and her brother-in-law, Thorn turns out to be an unexpected ally.

Roxie is grateful to the handsome alien, but what will happen when the Arcon government finally shows up and takes Thorn away? What will her brother-in-law do then?

Alien Fury: Chronicles of Arcon: Seagraves, Janice: 9798864319413: Books

First Look:

Something screamed over the roof of the house, and an orange glow lit up the bedroom windows—a crash sounded close by. Roxie Carson sat up in bed with her heart hammering. “What’s that?”

Kit Carson, Roxie’s German Shepard, started to give a continuous, rapid bark.

She glanced at the empty side of the bed with her mouth half open to say something to her husband. Roxie bit her lip against the sting of tears. Her sorrow caused a huge, painful knot inside her chest. I have to do things by myself now which includes investigating the scary noises.

Roxie trudged out of her warm bedroom. She pulled on her coat, winter gloves, and knee-high rubber boots over her pajamas.

When she stepped outside, she spotted flecks of fire out in her north acreage. Damn, I just plowed that field, too.

Kit Carson ran to her, wagging his tail.

She patted his side. “Hey, boy, are you ready to go see what that was?”

He barked once, which she took as a yes. But then he was always ready to go at a moment’s notice.

The rains had made everything a muddy mess. Especially the land she so carefully plowed. Her life had become a bitter battle. She had planted corn, but then the monsoon season came and drowned the tender seedlings. The drought that had plagued the farmlands had finally ended but at a cost. One rainstorm after another brought by several Atmospheric Rivers had kept the fields flooded. Great, just great. I should plant rice. That’s a crop needing a lot of water.

She hurried over to the compact utility tractor. Her husband’s last extravagant purchase. At the thought of her husband, her heart squeezed. The backhoe was still attached from digging drainage ditches the day before. Not that anything she tried helped.

Turning the key, the engine hesitated. “Come on, baby. Turn over for Momma.” The tractor finally started, belching out a cloud of diesel smelling smoke. She flipped on the headlights.

Kit Carson ran ahead, leading the way toward whatever it was.

Her dog soon trotted next to a furrow scraped into the muddy earth. Roxie steered the tractor just behind her German Shepard, studying the furrow.

What did this?

The further she drove, the deeper into the earth it extended, going from groove to trench. What the hell hit my field? Maybe it’s a meteor, and I can sell it on eBay for a thousand dollars. That thought cheered Roxie up a bit. I could pay a few overdue bills with that amount.

The ditch abruptly ended, and became a hole filled with something black and gray. Steam rose, filling the air. Roxie parked the tractor next to it then climbed out.

Her boots skidded on the muddy ground, she pinwheeled her arms and slid right into the hole. Roxie fetched up against hot metal. “Oof.”

Fins were attached to the back end, but the nose was buried under the mud.

So, it’s something man made. The big eBay sale she planned winged away.

Kit shifted from foot to foot, whining down at her.

Roxie glanced sharply up at her dog. “No-no, you stay up there. We don’t both need to be down in this mud hole.”

The trench continued to fill up with water.

If it’s a rocket, I’ll need to report this to someone. But if it’s a jet there could be someone trapped inside. One way to find out.

She knocked on the side three times and got a knock back in the same sequence.

Dios mío! There’s someone in there.” With adrenaline filling her system, Roxie scrambled out of the trench. She climbed into the tractor. Not wanting the mud to make her steering wheel slippery, she tossed her filthy gloves out the door. Turning the tractor around, she set the stabilizers down, fitted the backhoe’s bucket down the hole. She started moving mud, one scoop at a time, flinging it out faster than she’d ever made the tractor move before.

Kit Carson barked encouragement.

She finally unburied the front end of the black jet. With the rain pouring down on the muddy top, she could just make out a man-sized shape inside.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out!” She lifted the stabilizers and drove around to the back end of the jet. She reset the stabilizers then stretched the scoop out to its fullest length. Climbing out, she looped a lasso strap around the tail of the jet, and at the other end, she hooked onto the backhoe’s lifting ring. That done, she climbed back inside and began to lift the scoop. The mechanism squealed and smoked. She shut it down. “Please, don’t mess up on me. I can’t afford to have you fixed.”

The jet hadn’t moved.

She tried again, but the mechanism squealed and smoked again. She shut it down. “Darn wings, they’re keeping the jet in place. Too bad there isn’t a way to take them off.”

A whirling noise caught her attention. She rose up to get a better look. The wings withdrew inside the body of the jet.

The poor guy inside must have seen my problem.

“That helps a lot. Gracias,” she called out, hoping he could hear her. Must be an experimental type with retractable wings.

She tried again.

Finally, the sleek torpedo shaped jet came out of the hole. It had skids like landing gear. That would make it easier to bring it back to the house.

She hoped the jet wasn’t broken. Well, it probably won’t fly again after crashing into my field. The pilot better have good insurance to cover it.

Enough mud still covered the windows of the cockpit that she couldn’t make out whether the pilot was a man or woman. The dark clouds obscuring the moon didn’t help either.

“I’m taking you back to the house, so I can get you out of there!” Roxie yelled and changed the scoop position so it would pull without lifting the jet in the air. She drove carefully toward her driveway, with its large concrete parking area. The jet dragged along behind her.

Kit Carson led the way, as usual.

A cloud burst overhead, and it rained harder. She turned on the windshield wipers and heater. The bright lights of the single-story, rambling farmhouse with tan wood siding was a welcome beacon guiding her back.

As she drove, she prayed the person inside wasn’t badly hurt.

She performed a U-turn, dragging the jet onto the oversized cement parking lot and turned off the tractor. After stepping out, she took the lasso towing strap off the black jet and stared at one of the bent runners.

The jet’s door retracted up, and the pilot peered out at her.

As their gazes met, the shock of utter astonishment flew through her.

“Dios mío!” He’s not human.

Amazon: Alien Fury: Chronicles of Arcon: Seagraves, Janice: 9798864319413: Books

Barnes and NobleAlien Fury Chronicles of Arcon Book 8 by Janice Seagraves | eBook | Barnes & Noble® (

Apple Books: Alien Fury Chronicles of Arcon Book 8 on Apple Books

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