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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

#writingtips #writinghelp #passivewriting Turning Passive Writing into Active Writing By Janice Seagraves

Turning Passive Writing into Active Writing
By Janice Seagraves

Since I’ve been seeing a lot of passive writing in the critiques I’ve been doing here lately, I thought I’d do a vlog on passive writing.

What do I mean by passive writing?

Have you ever heard of show and don’t tell?

Passive example: Rose was mad.

What’s wrong with the above sentence? Not much really. It does what it’s supposed to do, it tells us Rose is mad. But it doesn’t show us that Rose is mad.

Active writing example: Rose slammed the door closed then stomped through the room. “That jerk!” Picking up a flower filled vase, she hurled it against the wall where it shatters.

Not a real great example but you get the idea. Notice I used the words: Stomped and Hurled. These are active verbs. I wanted to show action and anger even in my word choice.

Passive writing is that, passive. It doesn’t show the reader anything.

Have you noticed while watching a movie that when an actor portraying a character that is mad, he doesn’t just frown. He stomps, shouts and will nearly always breaks something. He’s showing us he’s angry. And in writing, we need to show it too.

Another example: Rose was sad and wanted to cry.
Again, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, but it’s still telling up and not showing us how the character Rose feels.
Active writing example: She closed the door and leaned on it. A tear worked its way past her control. She rubbed the wetness off her face with an impatient swipe of her fingers.
You can see here that I’m conveying the feeling of sadness without telling you she was sad.


Morgan isn’t expecting romance when she accompanies her friend for a week of skiing, but when she meets Jared all bets are off.
Jared has secrets that he doesn’t mind sharing with a special lady, and he hopes Morgan is that special someone. When his past and present collide it’s worse than he imagined, and he’s forced to fight for his life.
heart knot
A Sad Excerpt:

“Morgan, open up.” The woman pounded on the door again.

Unlocking the door, Morgan stepped back so her mother could enter. “Mom, this is Jared. The man
I’ve been seeing. Jared this is my mom, Alice Brookhaven.”

“Good day, Mrs. Brookhaven.” He held out his hand.

Instead of shaking his hand, she scanned him up and down. “No belt or tie.”

“Hardly anyone wears a belt and tie anymore.” Morgan snorted.

“What’s with his hair?” Alice stared. “Did you dye it that color?”

He ran his hand over his mane. “This is natural.”


Morgan frowned at her mother. “It’s a type of red, Mom. Lots of Scotts are redheaded.”
Alice gave her a sharp look before turning back to Jared. “Did one of your parents have hair that

“I donna remember.” His heart twisted at the thought of his parents.

“Are you an orphan?”

“Aye.” As the deep emptiness filled him, he slumped against the wall staring down. “That I am. I have not even a photo of me mum and da to know which of them had red hair.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.” Mrs. Brookhaven stared at his bare feet then checked her daughter’s, too.

“Were you both naked when I called?”

“Huh?” Surprised at the accuracy of her guess, he baulked. He didn’t want to tread on dangerous ground with this woman. Jared glanced at Morgan for assistance.

Morgan threw her hands in the air. “Oh, Mom, you didn’t give us much notice.”

 Year of the Cat:

Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Rose by Any Other Name

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

The above quote is from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. How important is a person’s name? I recently read an article about author pen names that got me thinking about this question.
Hugues Merle - Romeo and Juliet [1879] | Hugues Merle (Saint… | Flickr

This is from the article by Sapiens: “Names are an essential part of our everyday lives. But for romance writers, they are something more: tools for career success. Writers create new names with the aim of using them to manage and increase their readership. They use them to preserve anonymity, to separate their work in different genres, and to create a brand.”

The article also states this: “The name should be short so it can be large on the book cover, and it should be easy to spell. It should be near the beginning of the alphabet so your books don’t end up near the floor on bookstore shelves. And you should think about which authors would be placed next to your book in an alphabetically arranged order.” With digital books, this isn’t as important.

According to the article, Anglophone names that are fairly short, like Wiggs and Roberts, are popular for romance authors. Even French-Canadian authors are advised to Anglicize their names. Western literature has a long history of pen names. Women authors, especially in the nineteenth century, took male pen names. Even today, women who write in more male-dominated genres choose male names or gender-neutral names.

Up until the late twentieth century, publishers controlled romance authors’ names. In some cases, writers’ contracts stated they could not use that publisher’s pen name to write for other publishers.
Authors choose to use a pseudonym for different reasons. Some may write under a different name for different sub-genres. Some may want to reinvent themselves. No one knows if a new name can help a career, but some romance authors have branded themselves with a new name to revive a flagging career. A writer’s name is her brand.

I always wanted to publish under my real name. I’d worked really hard for a lot of years to publish, and darn it, I was using my own name so everyone would know my hard work paid off. My first book, A Catered Affair, from Avalon Books, was published as Carolyn Matkowsky, my true name. 

I think Matkowsky is easy to spell and pronounce. Just divide it into three syllables. However, we Americans have trouble pronouncing and spelling names over two syllables. In 2003, the year my Avalon book came out, I was nominated by readers of Affaire de Coeur Magazine as an up and coming author. I loved the nomination, but not the way the magazine fractured my name. Since my book was only available in libraries, I figured the readers who nominated me didn’t have a copy of my book in front of them when they submitted my name. And they couldn’t remember the spelling. 

I decided I needed a shorter name that was easier to spell and pronounce. I published my second book, Logan’s Redemption, from The Wild Rose Press, in 2007, under my new name.

Coming up with a fictitious name wasn’t easy. I wanted a name that meant something to me. My heritage is Mediterranean, 92% Italian with the rest Greece and the Balkans. Not a drop of English blood. I wanted a name that reflected my Italian heritage, which is why I discounted using an Anglo name.

I’d used my married name, Matkowsky, and that didn’t work. My maiden name is Palmarella, so that wouldn’t work. I thought of shortening Palmarella to Palmer, but didn’t reflect who I am. All my life, I’ve had a unique name. I wasn’t comfortable with something more common. I came up with Marsi after a trip to Italy in 2006. The Marsi were an important tribe during Roman times. They fought the Romans, then became allies. The Marsi originated in the province of Abruzzo, where my relatives are from. My own family tribe is the Marruccini. I found this out from an Australian cousin. I couldn’t use Marruccini either. I went with Marsi because it reflects my heritage and it’s short and easy to spell and pronounce.

I had to choose a first name. I chose Cara, which is sometimes used as a nickname for Carolyn. I’ve never had a nickname. My friends and family call me Carolyn. Cara goes well with Marsi, but I now wish I’d kept my true first name because many readers and authors know me as Cara and that’s what they call me.

I make no secret of my alter ego. My real name is splashed all over social media, along with my pen name. My Facebook pages are under Cara Marsi, but on my regular page you can see my real name, Carolyn Palmarella Matkowsky. I post as Cara Marsi, but friends and family will call me Carolyn when they post responses. I answer to Cara and Carolyn.

Fun fact: Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who nearly toppled Republican Brian Kemp last fall, writes romance novels under the name Selena Montgomery.

What about you authors? Do you have a pen name? Why? Or why not? How did you decide on a name?

Since we’re talking pen names, here’s some shameless promotion for Cara Marsi’s newest release, available for pre-order now.


When a struggling actress takes a role as the glamorous temporary wife of a wealthy playboy, she finds love doesn’t always come on cue.

Struggling actress Kate Carluccio showed up for her wedding but her groom bowed out without warning. He absconded not only with her heart, but also her parents’ life savings. Her confidence shaken, Kate’s determined to find a way to restore her parents’ money. Then she’s offered the role of a lifetime: step out of her colorful high-top sneakers and into the glammed-up role of socialite wife to a shallow, annoying playboy. If only Kate wasn’t also secretly attracted to him, the one-and-a-half million dollars he offers with his proposal of a marriage-of-convenience might be easier to accept.

Breathtakingly handsome, super rich, and sophisticated with a bad boy vibe, Zach Lyon is a tabloid favorite. He may be a vice-president at his father’s company, but up until now he’s just played a supporting role. But when he discovers two executives are conspiring to force his dad out and take over the company, Zach decides it’s time to step into the spotlight. What better way than to take a glamorous new wife to Las Vegas to spend the Christmas holiday at the home of one of the conspiring executives?

As the curtain rises on the eclectic house party, Kate and Zach play their roles against the backdrop of schemers and snobs, while hiding deep secrets of their own. Can Kate pretend to love Zach without revealing the true depth of her attraction? Can Zach prove to his father he has the stability to go from understudy to leading man? They may have wedded on a dare, but with the stage set for romance, their marriage-of-convenience might just turn into a marriage-to-last-a-lifetime.

The Links:

Friday, February 15, 2019

Kat Martin

Today we welcome the fabulous Kat Martn 
With her brand new release, THE CONSPIRACY
I always think it's great to get the background on a story so thanks, Kat for providing this.

Researching Columbia
Sometimes what you think is going to be a great idea for a novel turns out to be a whole lot of work!  That’s what happens when you realize the idea you are now in the middle of isn’t going to work the way you thought it would.
In THE CONSPIRACY, I got the idea for a book that started in Texas, moved to the Caribbean, and ended up in Venezuela.  With all the trouble country is having, I thought it would be a great setting for a Romantic Thriller.  
Unfortunately, after I was well into the book and started doing the necessary research for that segment of the story, I realized the geography I needed and the rural setting didn’t exist in Venezuela.  I
I spent days digging around in South America, looking for a rainforest that could be reasonably reached from the Caribbean island of Aruba.  Nothing worked.  
Finally, I realized there actually was spot that exactly fit the image in my head.  (This happens to writers all the time.  No one knows why.) The spot was in Colombia, a place I had no desire to write about, but fit the story exactly.  
So I went to work researching a remote area of Columbia accessible from Aruba.  
Chase Garrett, the hero of THE CONSPIRACY, with the help of Harper Winston, the woman who hires him to find her missing brother, wind up in extreme danger in the  Columbian tropical forest.  It’s a very unusual place that required hours of research, but in the end, it was worth it.
I had my work cut out for me, finding which animals, reptiles, and birds lived in the area.  Reading about the customs of the indigenous tribes, and the politic.  Rebel armies inhabit the forest and they don’t like intruders.  
The research made THE CONSPIRACY one of the most challenging books I’ve written, but hopefully its one of my most interesting.  I hope you’ll look for THE CONPIRACY, the first of my Maximum Security series, and that you enjoy.  Until next time, very best wishes and happy reading, Kat    

And now a taste of the book
Chase watched the willowy blonde walk out of his office.  With her sleek pale blond hair, delicate features, and perfect complexion, she wasn't just pretty, she was lovely in the extreme.  He clamped down on a thread of sexual heat as she disappeared from view. 
It surprised him.  He remembered hearing talk at the country club before she moved to Houston.  Rumor had it Harper Winston was an ice queen.  Her ex-boyfriend made jokes about taking a dead fish to bed.  Aside from being slightly irritated on her behalf as a former friend of her brother's, he hadn't paid much attention.  
Seeing her today, he wondered.  The woman who had come into his office to help her brother was passionately determined, willing to put herself in danger to find the brother she obviously loved.
He couldn't help but admire her.  And it made him doubt what her ex and the country club crowd had said.  All that fire had come from somewhere deep inside.  Maybe it just took the right man to stir the flames.
The thought didn't sit well.  The pull of attraction he had felt last night had only grown stronger today, reminding him of the first time he had seen her all those years ago. 
She'd just turned sixteen that day.  He'd gone with her brother to her birthday party, he and Michael, both twenty one, had just graduated from Yale.  He'd thought she looked like an angel. 
Unfortunately, an angel who was his best friend's sister, way too young and completely out of his reach.  
Over the years he and Michael had gone their separate ways, Chase ending up in law enforcement, a life-long passion, Michael sliding deeper and deeper into drugs and alcohol--thanks to his no-good father.
Knox Winston was a gangster in expensively tailored business clothes.  His ruthless, shady dealings had made him obscenely rich, but at a tremendous cost. His wife had committed suicide. His son had overdosed more than once. 
How the man had escaped prosecution for so many years was something Chase could not comprehend.
After his friendship with Michael had ended, Chase had stayed away from the family and until this morning, had every intention of keeping it that way.  Now a pair of big blue eyes clouded with worry and memories of a man he had once loved like a brother were dragging him back into the fold.
Chase silently cursed.  Grabbing his navy blazer off the back of the chair, he shrugged it on over his jeans and shirt and walked out into the open area the guys called the bullpen. 
Nine oak desks arranged in rows of three were occupied by the independent contractors who worked at Maximum Security. Antique farming tools hung on the walls, along with framed photos of the ranch Chase owned with Reese and Brandon out in the Texas Hill Country.  
"Mindy, I need you to cancel my appointments for the next three days.  I may be gone longer.  If I am, I'll call and let you know."
"I'll take care of it, boss."  Mindy was a temp who had been working at The Max less than three weeks, replacing a long-time employee who had retired to spend time with her grandkids.  
Mindy was good.  He was thinking of bringing her aboard full time.  
"If a problem comes up, go to Bran or Jase. They should be able to handle it."  
Turning, he walked over to his youngest brother, who had just gotten off the phone.  Bran was a PI who specialized in person protection, law enforcement being a tradition on their mother's side of the family.  The Devlins, including Chase's grandfather, great grandfather, and a handful of uncles, had all worked as cops, FBI, or been career military men.  
His younger brothers were two very different people, Bran a former special ops soldier turned bodyguard, Reese the extremely successful businessman who ran Garrett Resources, the Texas-based oil company founded by their great-grandfather.  Both brothers had blue-eyes, but Reese's hair was black, Bran's dark brown.  Both were an inch taller than Chase's six-foot-two-inch frame.  

"Something's come up," Chase said to Bran.  "I'm leaving the country for a few days, maybe longer.  I need you to keep an eye on things while I'm gone."
"No problem.  What's up?"
"Missing person's case.  Michael Winston's disappeared.  His sister needs help finding him."
Bran grunted.  "Probably off drunk somewhere or loaded on drugs."
"According to Harper, he's turned his life around. Been clean five years."
Bran sat up a little straighter.  "Well that's good to hear.  He used to be a great guy before he went haywire."
"For his sister's sake, I hope he hasn't fallen off the wagon."
One of Bran's dark eyebrows went up.  "His sister?  I thought I recognized the luscious little blonde who was in here earlier. Seems to me you had a yen for her way back when."
"She was Michael's sister and way too young. Plus she's a Winston.  That family's nothing but trouble."
"So why'd you take the case?"
"Moment of weakness, I guess.  Or maybe for old time's sake.  Worst of it is Harper's going with me."
Brandon laughed.  "Jeez, big brother, you must have a masochistic streak."
He sighed just thinking about the hours he would be spending with the tempting little blonde. 

Purchase Links

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Meet Kat Martin
New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin is a graduate of the University of
California at Santa Barbara where she majored in Anthropology and also studied History. Currently residing in Missoula, Montana with her Western-author husband, L. J. Martin, Kat has written sixty-five Historical and Contemporary Romantic Suspense novels. More than sixteen million copies of her books are in print and she has been published in twenty foreign countries. Her last novel, BEYOND CONTROL, hit both big lists … NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LIST as well as the USA TODAY BEST-SELLING BOOKS LIST. Kat is currently at work on her next Romantic Suspense.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love or Romance? by Marianne Stephens

                                             HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
 The words Romance and Love seem to be interchanged for each other in "naming" books...but for me, they're two different types of stories.

I classify romance as the struggle to find love; that rocky road to happiness...with a happily-ever-after ending. Love stories can also be about falling in love; rocky road to get there...but can entail details not fit for romance stories.

Romance stories don't include married couples and cheating on your spouse. Somehow, people consider adultery "justifiable" and call having an affair a "love" event. Huh? Or, the hero or heroine have multiple partners throughout their coupled journey to "find" true love with each other. Sorry, I just don't get it!

I'm not talking about menage romances, which seem to have a big following. I'm talking about sneaking around and having sex with someone else, other than your "loved one/ones"...the main characters in the story.

Movies/Books to consider:
"The Bridges of Madison Country". Why would anyone consider this a romantic story/movie? Since when does a married woman having an affair become acceptable and turn into something other than what it disregard for marriage vows and spouse. Okay. Maybe it's a "love" story, but I find nothing romantic or fun about it.

"Titanic": Great romantic scenes and the hero sacrifices himself to save the heroine. But, unhappy ending...a love story.

"Brokeback Mountain": Adultery. Doesn't matter if he cheats on his wife with another's still cheating. Love story.

"Gone With the Wind": I wanted to strangle Scarlett throughout the book/movie. Nothing heroine-like, only selfish attitude. Rhett was a hero for finally leaving her. Love story, not romance.

"Casa Blanca": Oldie but goodie. Tear-jerker, unhappy ending. Love story.

"While You Were Sleeping". I love this movie. This is a romance. No one is married, and even though the heroine is faking an engagement to one brother who's lost his memory, she fights her attraction to the second brother...her true romance partner. And he fights the same attraction. Only after the truth is blurted out at the almost wedding do the hero and heroine face the truth and are free to love each other.

"Dirty Dancing": budding relationship, separation and sadness, but happy ending. Romance.

"Pretty Woman": magnetic pull of mutual attraction, rocky road leading to black moment, happy ending. Romance.

"Emma", "Pride and Prejudice", and the list goes on. Happy endings. No adultery. Romance stories.

The books we write as romance authors need that happily-ever-after to satisfy readers. I want it in a book I read and my books present it to readers. The outcome of any book or movie classifies it as romance or love story...and I see a definite dividing line between the two.

My opinions...and I bet others think differently. So, what about you? How do you differentiate between a Romance and Love story or movie?
Photos: Flickr:AuntOwwee, Emily792872, and toephoto photostreams

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Be Mine

I've heard Valentine's Day called a "Hallmark Holiday," by someone who assumed the celebration was a modern invention, mainly meant to sell greeting cards. In fact, it's much older. How old, we don't really know. There are theories.

The early Christian churches recognized at least three martyred saints called Valentinus or some variant of the name. None of those were particularly romantic in nature, but may have been put on Saint's Day calendar, giving us the name. Another theory is that the Chur
ch at this time slipped Saint Valentine's Day in as a way to stop the Romans from celebrating the pagan holiday of Lupercalia, which involved naked young men, sacrificed goats, and other mating and fertility rites. Despite the obvious seasonal and thematic overlap, there's no actual historical evidence for this as a direct predecessor.

The earliest written reference to the romantic holiday come from the 14th century, when Chaucer wrote a poem called Parlement of Foules. (This is about FOWLS, or birds, not FOOLS in modern English) "For this was on seynt Volantynys day. Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.” Apparently bird-mating season brought about similar behavior in humans. In 1415, a French nobleman imprisoned in the Tower of London wrote to his wife in France, calling her his "very gentle Valentine." Even Shakespeare brings it up, when Ophelia calls herself Hamelet's CalentineObviously by this point in time, the holiday was well and truly entrenched, without a greeting card in sight.

The Victorians, of course, were into all things sentimental. Before cards were the big seller, there were flowers, of course, and other holdovers from romance past, such as locks of hair and love tokens. Love tokens were coins, often silver, that had been modified by carving in of initials, wearing off mint marks, and sometimes drilling holes so they could be worn on chains or ribbons. In Victorian times, hair locks were often made into elaborate artwork or even jewelry. For a new lover, though, tucking a small snippet of hair in a locket might be enough of a symbol.

Less expensive printing and mailing brought about the rise of the Valentine card, at first a single sheet that could then be folded and addressed without a separate envelope. No longer did you have to write some love-poetry, you could buy it ready-made on a colorful backdrop. Amercan card companies followed suit. Chocolates, long the preserve of the very wealthy, also became mass-produced in this era and ran advertizing campaigns linking them with Valentines as an appropriate romantic gift. At the higher end of the price spectrum, jewelers went even further, selling the very best gems to the very best (or at least richest) lovers. Today, in the developed world it is a massive marketing and merchandising season.

Other kinds of love and affection also get some attention, especially among a younger audience. My first grade granddaughter is bringing them for her class, while I have fond memories of Valentine stuffed animals from my father, and a snitched treasure from the big candy heart he brought my mom. I hope that whomever you love brings you a special Valentine, whether it's diamonds or a kiss, a hand-drawn card or warm hug. Love, in all its forms, is worth the celebration.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Roses For Valentine's Day

Posted by Author R. Ann Siracusa

So, it’s Sunday, February 10, and you haven’t bought your special women a Valentine’s Day gift yet? Well, don’t worry. There’s always chocolates.
She loves chocolate, but she’ll say I’m sabotaging her diet.
What about champagne?
Same problem.
Diamond earrings?
Whoa. I don’t want to get too serious too fast. I’m not ready for that.
Let’s see. Ladies love getting flowers. You can always pick up roses at Costco.
Or can you? I guess you can, but here are a few things to know in advance.
Those days of picking up a gift at random are gone, Romeo. That’s one of the problems with the internet. There’s too much information out there. Today’s modern woman is probably going to know – of find out – the meaning of each of the flowers you might give her. She’ll know what each color means. Plus, you have to be cautious of how many of the flowers are in the bouquet – the number is symbolic too. And she’ll probably expect you to know also.
Sorry. Nothing is easy. Plus, I heard on the news that if you haven’t already ordered flowers, it may be too late to get what you want. If not, the florist may recommend some other types of flowers instead of roses. I doubt florists have allowed the "meaning" of any flower to be negative, but it might symbolize something you don't want to say. These alternatives are popular in 2019.
Anthurium - Symbolizes hospitality. It is also used to indicate happiness and abundance.
CarnationSymbolizes ride and beauty. A red carnation symbolizes love, pride and admiration; a pink carnation symbolizes the love of a woman or a mother; a purple carnation symbolizes capriciousness; a yellow carnation symbolizes disdain, rejection or disappointment; while a white carnation symbolizes innocence and pure love. A striped carnation conveys refusal.
Chrysanthemum - Symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy and long life. A red chrysanthemum conveys love; a white chrysanthemum symbolizes truth and loyal love while a yellow chrysanthemum symbolizes slighted love. And … if you’re in a European country, this flower symbolizes death and is only used for funerals. Just ‘sayin’.
Daisy - Symbolizes innocence and purity. It conveys loyal and love. Gerbera Daisy specifically conveys cheerfulness.

Lilac - Symbolizes youthful innocence and confidence. White lilac symbolizes humility and innocence, field lilac symbolizes charity while purple lilac symbolizes first love.
Lily - Symbolizes purity and refined beauty. White lily symbolizes modesty and virginity, orange lily symbolizes passion, yellow lily symbolizes gaiety while Lily of the Valley symbolizes sweetness and purity of heart.
Orchid - Symbolizes exotic beauty, refinement, thoughtfulness and mature charm. It also symbolizes proud and glorious femininity.

Rose - Symbolizes love in all its various forms, but the specific symbolism varies based on color, variety and number. 

Tulip - Signifies a declaration of love, fame, and perfect love.

Maybe you’ll luck out and find a florist with all varieties of roses. After all, roses are best for Valentine’s Day. But what color?
Red – Symbolizes love and desire.
Yellow – Symbolizes joy, friendship, the promise of a new beginning.
White – Symbolizes purity, innocence, reverence, a new beginning, a fresh start.
Pink rose – Symbolizes grace, happiness, gentleness.
Lavender rose – Symbolizes love at first sight. I am enchanted by you
Orange rose - Symbolizes desire and enthusiasm.
Coral or Peach rose – Symbolizes friendship, modesty, sympathy.
Deep, dark crimson or Black rose – Symbolizes mourning.
Blue Rose - Symbolizes an unattainable dream.

You’re getting close but not off the hook yet. If roses are your choice you have to pay attention to what that means as well.
A single rose – Signifies a great compliment; it represents ‘love at first sight’ and is often given to the ladies during the first date. It shows a definite romantic interest.
Three roses – Express contentment from being with the other person. This bouquet is often reserved for couples with some mileage behind their backs.
Five roses - Being given five roses is the moment most women dream about. They symbolize true love. So, if you are on the receiving end of this gift, pinch yourself, it is really happening.
Six rosesShows the person on the giving end that you want to take the relationship to the next level. This bouquet confesses unrevealed tinges of love and passion.
Ten roses -Symbolizes two lovers meant for each other; a perfect love.
Twelve roses – A dozen roses symbolize wholeness; the desire of the gift-giver to spend their whole life with their beloved. It’s equivalent to a marriage proposal.
Fifteen roses – Symbolizes a feeling of regret one might harbor following an argument with their special someone.
Twenty roses – Signifies that your love it sincere. Throw in another, making it twenty-one and you get the mind-disarming message of eternal and unconditional love – a genuine gesture of appreciation for the other person.

If this is all too complicated, maybe you should try the diamond earrings.

Travel to Foreign Lands for Romance and Intrigue

Sources: ck-

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