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Friday, December 27, 2019

New Year, New Goals by Janice Seagraves

Soon, it'll be a new year and a new time of possibilities.

If you've read my New Year posts before then you'll know I don't make resolutions, I make goals for myself.

By New Years Day, my goal is to be 199. I want to be under 200 pounds. I know I can do this. Why? Because I've lost over sixty pounds already.

As for my writing goals, I should be getting my rights back on some of my titles in 2020, which I will be self-publishing after the mandatory three months wait.

I'm also working on some new titles. 

So, my goals are a thinner healthier me, and more books published.

What are your goals for the new year?


Year of the Cat

Morgan isn’t expecting romance when she accompanies her friend for a week of skiing, but when she meets Jared all bets are off.
Haunted by the loss of his parents, werecat Jared Catterick earns his keep working for the Catclaw Clan. Jared has secrets that he doesn’t mind sharing with a special lady, and he hopes Morgan is that special someone. When his past and present collide it’s worse than he imagined, and he’s forced to fight for his life.

Auntie walked into the middle of the hollow. “We the Catcall Clan are gathered here together to witness a challenge. Called by Munch son of Tiger, who challenges Jared Catterick son of nobody.”

“I am the son of somebody,” Jared yelled. The sudden flow of anger had his heart pounding hard against his ribs.

“Who? What are their names?” Auntie crossed her arm and leaned on one hip and tapped a toe.

“I donna remember. I was too young when they killed them and took me away,” Jared muttered.
“And she knows that.”

“Is Catterick your real last name?” Killer asked him in the canine speech.

“Aye. I donna remember much about me old life, but I never forgot me name.”

“Just tell her Mr. and Mrs. Catterick,” Killer said.

“Me parents were Mr. and Mrs. Catterick,” Jared said in a loud clear voice.

A few people around the hollow snickered.

Auntie gave a quick nod. “Jared son of Mr. and Mrs. Catterick. Munch challenges you for the death of his da, Tiger.”

Munch marched to Auntie’s side. He was every bit as big as his father. Well-muscled and not just tall but wide. Where Tiger’s hair was gray and white, Munch was blond and black. Another man accompanied him, his second, a tall, lanky male named Boyd. Jared knew him well, even though he was younger.

“Och. Here we go,” Jared told Killer and walked out into the middle of the hollow.

“He’s big,” Killer said in the canine speech.

“And ugly. I wouldna want to ride him into battle.”

Killer stayed at his side. “Psst.”


“You can fight, right?” Killer asked.


“Good to know.”


Year of the Cat:

Year of the Cat Trailer:

Janice's Website:

Janice's Author Page on Amazon:


Jacqueline Seewald said...

Hi Janice,

Like you, I will publish my New Year's goals on my blog. I also would like to see more of my novels published. My new historical romance Sinful Seduction was published this month by Luminosity. One of my goals to gain readers for the novel. I will make an effort to learn more about obtaining publicity.

Wishing you much success with your new novel!

Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Jacqueline,

I wish you well this New Year and may all your goals come true.


YOLAMA said...

Thank you very much for providing important information

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