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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My New Ergonomic Workspace or Everything Old is New Again

My office chair has been showing signs of wear for the past couple of months, and I can’t say that makes me sad. I knew when I bought it that even with the adjustable seat and back, it was never going to be as comfortable as my last chair. Actually, I haven’t loved any of my office chairs since about 2000 when I found a very small model without armrests, that fit my vertically challenged body.

Fast forward to 2019 and nothing has changed. Ergonomically designed office chairs are still proportioned for someone a little taller with slightly longer legs. The constant strain on my hips and back have taken a rather painful toll, lately. The only chair in my house that seems to fit me is a rocking chair that my grandmother gave me when my oldest was a baby. My back is supported and my feet touch the ground. It’s been in my office since I had it reupholstered a couple of years ago; the perfect chair, right under my nose.

Writing out entire drafts by hand would be tedious though, and my laptop crashed a couple of months ago. I thought about using Dragon and just dictating the first draft while sitting in the rocker but I never really liked the program. I’d heard that it didn’t adapt well to certain accents, and while I’ve never thought of myself as having an accent, I might as well have been speaking Klingon. Dragon is not an option for me.

My options for an ergonomic workspace where I might be able to produce a decent word count without crippling myself were dwindling when I remembered the Alpha Smart. I’d heard about the battery operated word processor, many moons ago, at a Romance Writers of America conference. 

A little research revealed that the Neo2 model would be an ideal fit for my needs but it had been discontinued in 2013. Lucky for me, I found a seller on Amazon that had several never been used machines and I purchased one along with a lap desk. I know buying a smaller laptop that would fit the space is an option but one of the points in the Neo’s favor is the added bonus of not being tempted by the internet.

So far, I’m impressed. First of all, it’s very light, runs on 3 AA batteries and can hold over 200 pages of text. Transferring files to my computer is easy. All I have to do is plug the USB (that it came with) into my computer, open Word and push the Neo send button. It types the text into the open document or can be connected directly to a printer if I want a printed file.

New technology doesn’t bother me and I’ll be the first to admit that I will use my desktop to edit and format my manuscript because it’s easier when I can see the entire page instead of four or five lines. However, I spend a month or more on first drafts and I’m looking forward to being comfortable for that time and hopefully, more productive.

I’m still fiddling with it and plan to log my time and word count to see if I’m more productive. I’ll let you know how it all turns out. What about you? Is there anything about your workspace that you’d change?
Have a wonderful June!

Paris Brandon

Paris Brandon is a paranormal romantic suspense author who also writes contemporary, erotic, and historical romance. When not dreaming up stories featuring heroes who aren’t intimidated by strong heroines, she can be found strolling through antique and thrift stores searching for vintage treasures, or communing with nature, which is code for sitting on the patio with a cup of tea and a good book.


Cara Marsi said...

Paris, I have an Alpha Smart I bought in the late 90's. I no longer use it but it was perfect for me when I worked. I'd use it during my lunch hour to write, then transfer my work to my computer when I got home. My Alpha Smart is still in good condition. I guess I should try to sell it. I'm vertically challenged too so I understand how hard it is to get a chair that allows your feet to touch the floor. My desk chair is good, but my toes can touch the floor. I can't put my feet flat.

Paris said...


I'm hoping this solution works out and I'm able to keep up a decent word count. Have you ever thought of getting a small box to rest your feet flat? I used that method, once upon a time:)

Melissa Keir said...

We used the Alpha Smart at school when teaching the children how to type. They loved it but never used it for word processing, but you have given me a great idea! Thanks!

Anny Cook said...

Good deal!!!

Paris said...


I had no idea it was used for school until I started researching it. It seems like it would have been a handy tool:)

Paris said...

Hi Anny,

I'm looking forward to being comfortable while I work:)

L.C. said...
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L.C. said...

harperyn (at) outlook (dot) com from CANADA writes:
Haha whatever works right? I use this IKEA chair that's on wheels and it's height adjustable. But the real clincher that sealed the deal was that it came in a gorgeous turquoise aqua colour.

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