Conventions, author events, and Wild Weekends are important to authors. It's where we get to interact with readers, get those pats on the back and make lasting connections. It's also where we get to meet other authors, talk about the state of publishing today and hone our skills.
I've had the opportunity to attend two very different events this year. Both were extremely valuable and have recharged my batteries.
The Wild Wicked Weekend is an author event where connections between authors and readers or especially authors and authors are invaluable. At the weekend event, I heard talk about new collaborations and excitement over new story ideas. How things we experienced could be added to our story arcs. It was certainly more of a wild weekend.

Either way you go....
I hope to see you at one soon!
I know what you mean about conferences recharging your batteries. I always come home ready apply whatever I'd learned. Connecting with friends within the writing community, some that I've only previously known online, is always energizing!
Melissa, I agree. Even getting out with non-writers is important. Yesterday, I went to a visitation for an old friend I worked with and saw many old friends. It made me realize I was letting people slip away without giving them my time.
Cute photos of the kids.
Love the 'oh yeah' baby photo - LOL - soooooo cute.
Thank you Paris. I practically floated home with so much energy after the WWW.
Sandy, I know how important that is. But I'm horrible about it, esp. with the winter weather. I bury my head and plod on. It's so much better to connect.
Thanks Tina. I love sharing the funny photos. Can you believe that photo of Dylan?
I love writer's conferences. Since I don't have a local chapter, it's the only time I get to meet up with other authors in person. This year I'm going to RT and RWA! Tweeted.
I think that's Bob Dillon hunched over the type writer.
I would love to recharge at a convention. I hope to one day--hope to meet in person some of the awesome authors I've met.
I've been hiding in my writing cave for months now.
Thank you Ella. It's wonderful that you are able to get to those two big conferences! :)
Unfortunately, where I live there are no conferences. Boo! It's a long trip to get to any, and just not in the budget. No other romance writers, either. Bleh. Online keeps me going.
I agree with Brenda-Bob Dillon.
And great post! I love retreats-MMRWA's is awesome, although I haven't been in a couple years :(
A writer must recharge their creative batteries once in a while, it good for the creative soul :)
Yes Brenda and Jennifer... Dylan. Who knew he loved the typewriter! Do you remember using those old manual ones?
Brenda- These were my first conferences as a writer but even as a teacher, I loved them. We came back so rejuvenated. Worth the connections and excitement at least.
D'Ann, that's stinky. I think we should have a contest to send you to a conference. We'd <3 to see you.
Jennifer, I hope you are going this year. Darynda Jones is going to be the speaker. I'm going for just Saturday.
I agree we need to recharge our batteries, and writers' conferences are a good way to do that. I used to go to NJRW every year. A good conference, but after awhile I felt I wasn't getting anything out of it. I like small conferences where we can interact with readers. I'm looking for some of those to go to.
I don't think my dog would allow me to go off on a writer's getaway unless they allowed her to come, and then the other authors would pet her instead of working on their stories, blame me, and send us both home.
Speaking of which. I have to walk Jess now. (Someone stole an hour from my day.)
Cara- Have you looked at some of the RWA chapters near you? There are so many small reader get togethers out there. Barbara Vey's Luncheon to Lori Foster's. Each is specialized for readers and authors to interact.
Liza, Jess can come but we will use her to help us find some good places to eat! :)
I haven't been to a conference in years. I've decided to attend one this year. One of the best advantages to them is getting stoked up on sheer joy! It's also so nice to put faces to names. Thanks for your post, Melissa. I think we all forget to recharge our batteries at times.
Thank you Gemma for stopping by and commenting. What conference are you going to? Honestly, we need to recharge our batteries in all parts of our lives. I'm horrible at it though because I'm a workaholic.
You make a conference sound like a lot of fun. I've never been to one. There was one close to home yesterday, it started on Friday, but I found out so late it was pointless to go. Also, it seemed geared to new and young writers.
Great post Melissa - loved the pictures. And I agree about recharging our batteries at conferences or writing events. The energy from other authors can be amazing. And I'd love to know more about the Wild Weekend.
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