1. Winter - That's right. The coldest, most dreary season of the year on the East coast arrives with the winter solstice. Bleh. I don't like snow and I abhor being cold. Really, it makes me grouchy.
2. Shopping - I'm not one of those that has ever planned further ahead than a few weeks. I fly by the seat of my pants. (Just like I write.) I like to think I'm a spontaneous kind of gal. What this means is that I now not only have to think about what to gift my family (namely my children), but I also have to go out, purchase, schlep home, wrap and then transport to various Christmas tree locations ingenious gifts that will be exactly what the recipient has been lying awake yearning for for months. Yeah, like that isn't any pressure!
3. Baking - It's not that I dislike baking so much, it's just that, well... okay, I dislike baking all those special treats my children insist are part of their traditional Christmas. Too much of a mess with the mixing and the pans. And waaaay too many calories calling my name when they're all baked and sitting on the shelf.
4. Decorating - See, now this is a double-edged sword. I absolutely LOVE Christmas lights twinkling in greenery festooned with beautiful red ribbon. I can sit in front of a lighted Christmas tree for hours just enjoying our collection of ornaments. Some even made by my children in grade school. *sigh* Okay, all of that is nice. But pulling all of that stuff out for 3 or 4 weeks is a bit overwhelming. (I get a reprieve this year ... it's all in storage. Very odd not to have our Christmas tree. But I digress ...) It really is so much work unpacking and repacking and lugging it up from the cellar only to lug it all back down.
5. Gift Giving - I don't mean I mind giving them. It's just they don't magically appear all perfectly wrapped and ready to go. If there's any confusion here ... refer to #2.
6. Time - I have seriously come to believe that these elf people who are supposed to be helping Santa are stealing minutes, hours, even days from the month of December. (I think they're ready for their vacation.) Seriously, ever noticed how we go from Thanksgiving to OMG! Christmas is a week away! And where does all that time go? It's an elf conspiracy I'm telling you! Because I've been doing this Christmas preparation thing awhile now and it only seems to get worse, no matter how hard I try to diligently schedule all the activities, there's NEVER enough time in December.
See? None of that is anything December can control. And I've tried not to blame it on the month. But seriously, if it never arrived all the above stressors would be none existent. I'd stay and chat more, but it appears the elves just stole another day which means I'm precariously close to panicking.
Hope your December is a happy time for you!
I'm with you Nina. That's exactly how I feel. We finally got the tree down from the attic last night. It's up, but not decorated. I'm not a cold weather person. I shouldn't live in the northeast. :)
I do love the spirit of Christmas though, once everything is in place. I enjoy the magic for a few weeks.
Every year I swear I'm going to do less but invariably end up doing as much as always. Winter is my least favorite season because the weather somethings restricts my activities. I think I need an elf to make Christmas come off without a hitch. Where's Orlando Bloom when you need him:)
I used to really love the holidays, but a few years back my hubby died suddenly two weeks before Xmas. Has never been the same for me.
But I love to see the wonder on kids' faces and those of lovers who still have the one they adore.
December and the holidays are for them. :)
Amber - There are moments in the season that warm my heart for sure. The kids' Christmas concert was always a highlight. And the stories of people selflessly giving. Yeah, enjoying the spirit of Christmas is a wonderful.
Paris - One elf per mother. I just don't think that's too much to ask. LOL!
Tina - I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you have some wonderful memories of holidays you spent together. Wishing you peace this Christmas.
My husband died a little over a year ago, and I've overcompensated on decorations this year. A crazy reaction, I know, but there it is. I've got the whole house filled with candles (new) and lighted stuff (Old). To me it's comforting somehow... Crazy, but there it is. I've given up cooking though. Everything from the bakery or the freezer this time round...
Hahaha...Nina! I don't think you're a grinch. I think you probably said what many of us are feeling. We all love it when everything is done. When all the goodies are baked, presents are wrapped and decorations are pretty but there is A LOT Of work that goes into all that.
Kudos to you and Merry Christmas!!!
Jean - I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I'm sure all that light is comforting.
Merry Christmas!
Nicole - LOL! When it's done and we can enjoy it is the best time for sure!!
I have a love/hate relationship with the Christmas season. I despise winter with a passion. I hate being cold and I'm always cold. We have really simplified things over the years. I decorate but don't put up a tree because of the cats. It would end up smashing on the floor.
Marie - That's about how I'm feeling. Though I really miss my tree. It just doesn't feel like Christmas without it. Probably doesn't hurt though because we do have a kitten who no doubt would tear it apart this year.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
I think I understand, I'm not into Christmas like I used to be. But I'm older now and my daughter is all grown up.
In fact when we went shopping, she handed me two books and said, "Here. Get me these for Christmas."
Everything you mentioned is why it's so much fun...you get to go insane and no one minds because they're going crazy, too.
But it's all done in red and green, with lights, cookies, presents, etc.
What other time of the year can you be happy/grumpy/anxious all at the same time? Not to mention sleep-deprived?
what you said. Times about a thousand.
Janice - Boo. My kids are like that too. I want some surprises under the tree!
Marianne - ROFLOL! You do have a point!
Liz - LOL! I feel this way and I'm not trying to run a business! God love ya ...
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