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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Here's picture of me holding up a print copy of Guilty Secrets.  It's my latest book in print and of course I'm very proud of it. This also shows my work space in the corner of the family room. Files are kept in another room.  

I've been knocked out by a wicked flu bug, so will just post a few from my Quotes from Great Women book.

1. Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace,    Amelia Earhart

2. After the verb, 'to love', 'to help' is the most beautiful verb in the world.  Bertha Von Suttner

3. We've chosen the path to equality, don't let them turn us around.
     Geraldine A. Ferraro

4. Loneliness is the most terrible poverty.   Mother Teresa

5. The more I traveled the more  I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.   Shirley MacLaine

6. In society it is etiquette for ladies to have the best chairs and get handed things. In the home the reverse is the case. That is why ladies are more sociable than gentlemen.  Virginia Graham

'Til next time.......Jean





Tina Donahue said...

Major congrats, Jean! A print book always feels sooooo good. :) Hope you feel better soon.

I like #5 the best: The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends. Shirley MacLaine

Cara Marsi said...

Hope you feel better, Jean. Love all the quotes.

Paris said...

So sorry you've been hit by that nasty bug! Hope you're better, very soon. I love all the quotes but I'm going with #3 as a favorite. We've chosen the path to equality, don't let them turn us around.

jean hart stewart said...

Thanks so much, nice ladies. I vote with Tina, although naturally I like them all....

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