Ways to Waste Time When You Should Be Writing...

I have planned to get three stories completed before the end of summer. It's July, people and while I've gotten words done on each of the stories, they aren't coming as fast as I'd like. The characters seem to be very quiet and don't want to share their stories with me. So while I wait....

I'm also doing a lot of cleaning. In fact, my house has been power-washed, my car cleaned and the laundry has been folded and put away! (psst. even matched the socks!) The dogs get brushed each day. The cat box is changed daily as well. My dust rag is my new best friend. I've never seen things sparkle this way!

Then I'm playing some games too... like Charm King and Words with Friends... Games like this can keep my mind occupied so I don't worry about why my characters aren't talking to me.

Whew. Have I forgotten anything? Thankfully, my characters decided to start talking and I'm almost done with one of the books. Then onto finishing the others. But what do you do to avoid doing work? Are you a procrastinator like me?
Share your ideas! We can always use a few more ways to avoid work! <3
Until next month- Same date, same time,
Melissa Keir
LOL--I think we all do this. I've watched Netflix, walked the dog (a lot), played Candy Crush Soda, and read several books. I'm doing okay on my planned WIPs, but if I wasn't procrastinating, I'd probably be finished.
Isn't that funny how sometimes we need to have a little down time to recharge our batteries? All the best Michele!
LOL - love the post title. I know how you feel. Sometimes, I'd rather be digging ditches than writing. :)
Tina... we all find ways to procrastinate. I believe it's so we can get some quiet time away from our characters! :)
I finished a book in May, then I decided to take a break, but my break is stretching out longer than I anticipated. I love summer so I find myself wanting to be outdoors instead of in my office. My outdoor time seems to stretch into hours...that must mean procrastinating!!
Judy- It's hard not to want to enjoy the sunshine! We get so little of it during the winter. I'm sure you'll be back at work writing soon!
These wonderful hot summer days should be enjoyed while you can...I don't feel badly if I overdo the computer games sometimes, with the soft breezes luring me into a lazy state of mind....
Jean- I have more time for writing during the summer because I'm not guest teaching but I also have more going on with vacations and such. It's like those computer games have a way of sucking our energy!
Hi, Melissa! Maybe I'm not dusting like I should. I'm working on a story instead of my book. I am catching up on my reading. And hanging with Handsome.
Hanging with our hubbies is the best part of time at home! Good luck with your story!
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