Inspiring Your Life
Hello and welcome back to another post about life and my musings on it. Have you ever been so upset about how things were going for you, only to find out about someone who had it much worse? I have... my best friend, Anna Coy. And each time, I feel like giving up, I think of her. You may remember a post I did a while ago about my friend and I writing text messages about what we were grateful for. The daily pick-me-ups were wonderful for helping us get through some tough times.
Anna and I grew up in the same small town. We sat by each other in government class and attended the same church. During my senior year, she was my best friend. But like any friendship, time and space pulled in different directions. Anna was working as a singer with bands in California for a few years and then in Costa Rica. Her voice was Joan Jett with the bluesy of Aretha. I literally broke the cassette tape of her singing.
She'd also gone on to develop and teach the "Whole Body Breathing System". Her work was being used by practitioners around the world. She'd even worked with Deepak Chopra and Dean Ornish and had been a personal coach for years. I looked up to her and celebrated her many successes.
We kept in phone and letters...then through email and text. While we each had been living our lives, she'd had some tough times. She'd broken her neck and had a plate put in to keep the spine in place. After the second break, she'd asked me to come visit her. She'd been in pain and was very scared about surgery to repair the new break. It turned out that she had every reason to be worried. The screws holding the old plate in place had punctured her esophagus and her vocal box was damaged. In addition, she had nerve damage. Her whole life was about to change.
And so was mine....For during my week-long stay with her, I wrote my second book and edited my first book. Seeing Anna going through such a life-changing event with the possibility of death, I decided to take a chance on my own.
Our time together rejuvenated our friendship. We became closer than ever, now talking each week and supporting each other as we took new steps toward our dreams. Her dream of being able to live a life without pain and to be able to take care of herself was a daily struggle but she has found the strength to move forward, recently updating her "Whole Body Breathing System" website.
And she inspired me to write a story about a bull-rider who has to face a tough and life-changing choice in my book, Broken Dreams (Now available in print). I wrote about her in my dedication and acknowledgment as well...
Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned…. Trey Arking was on his way to becoming TBC Pro-Rider of the Year until a bull named Brickhouse derailed his life, paralyzing him. Sara Corday wore Trey’s engagement ring and dreamed of their life together. Her dreams altered when his life changed. Trey is unable to see the wonderful future of his dreams from a wheelchair, but Sara is determined to help him see hers. Can these two stubborn people find a way to live again?
Thank you for sharing a little of your day with me. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and until we meet again next month!!
Melissa Keir
That's a touching story and really helps keep things in perspective.
Thank you Kate. She's had to reinvent herself so many times!
Above all travails in life, she carries on. I can relate to that and admire the overwhelming obstacles she's had to conquer. Friendship is powerful. Never let go. I'm ordering your book right now, Melissa.
My heart goes out to your friend and she is blessed to have you as such a support. Life is a never ending change and we need those friendships to help us get through. Bless both of you. Looking forward to reading your book.
Oh Lordy, did this post speak to me right now as Handsome prepares to undergo his second surgery. I embrace things happen in life and sends us on new life adventures. Some are harder than others.
Very touching, Melissa. People are what's important in this life. Not things. Sad that folks don't always realize that.
You're a true friend and that makes you one of life's treasures. The trials of life are made easier by friends and I think you're blessed to have each other. Your book sounds wonderful, best of luck!
Thank you Charmaine, Judy, Tina, Vicki, and Paris. We spend a lot of time worrying about silly things and yet the big things sneak up on us. I'm fortunate to have her and I'm fortunate to have all of you! Thank you!
An inspiring story. Puts our daily troubles in perspective, doesn't it. My VERY wishes to you both.
Hi Melissa,
Your friend sounds amazing. Instead of giving up, as many would and who could blame them, she's recovering and moving forward with her life. An inspiration!
Thanks for sharing her story {{hugs}}
Thank you Jean and Jacquie. We always think we have it hard until we see someone who have it worse. :)
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