Inspiring the Next Generation

My 2017 has begun with a long-term substitute position at a local elementary school. The teacher has his hip replaced and I'm guest teaching in his class of wonderful fifth-graders. I do love teaching. It gives me a unique chance to interact with the next generation. I can be creative and silly. But one of my favorite parts of teaching is being able to share my love of reading and writing with the students.

This week, I'm going to share another series...The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This series will appeal to fans of the Rick Riordan- Percy Jackson series. I can't wait to read the blurb to the kids and give them a chance to borrow the book. I know I'll have some takers!
Then I'll have one more week to share another book! Ohhh...It's so tough to choose. :) I have so many wonderful books to share. And best of all, I'm encouraging them to read as well as exposing them to new authors.
If you could share a favorite book or series with a group of young adults, which one would you share and why?
Until next month, take care and be sure to stop by my website for my latest releases and blog posts.
Congrats on your teaching job, Melissa. I had a wonderful teacher in grade school and still remember her fondly.
Congrats, Melissa. Sounds like you're having fun with the students. The only books I can think to share are the Harry Potter books. I don't read YA, except for Potter, and I love them.
Hi, Melissa! I know you are having fun with the kids. If I could recommend a book, it's an oldie but goodie, it would be Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I first read it at age 13 and it transitioned me into reading adult books because there were no YA then. As for more YA recommendations, I have none. #1 and #2 did not read YA. They read non fiction and mostly still do. Hugs!
Sounds like you're enjoying your time with the students. I substituted in middle school for a month when a teacher had her baby. It was so rewarding to really get to know the ones in my class. Best of luck.
Good for you! Converting the young into readers is a wonderful thing. My son discovered Tolkien when we were on a trip to Mexico City. We couldn't pry him from the hotel room, both to my delight and distress. My daughter has dyslexia and never became a reader.
Thank you all for the compliments and good wishes. I'm excited. They seem to be enjoying the books and I love sharing with them! :)
That's awesome. So many children never fall in love with reading and its such a shame. You can learn so much from reading.
Congrats on your teaching post, it sounds wonderful! My favorite teacher in grade school read to us everyday, after lunch. We got through the entire series of "Little House on the Prairie" books and I loved every minute of it. These days, I imagine kids will be more into Harry Potter but I wouldn't care, just as long as they're interested in reading! Teachers like you are golden:)
I love reading to the kids and give them the voices and everything. The kids are so quiet... and I love seeing their faces light up when they think they know what will happen next.
Hi Melissa, The kids may be too young for Reconstructing Charlie but it's a peach of a story about a 15 year old girl who comes from a dreadful background to move in with a wealthy aunt and uncle in another state. She's very clever and has plans. One of them is never to carelessly lose her virginity the way her Mother did. She wants to make sure she loves the man, he's on bended knee at the wedding. What a girl! I dreamed of her then wrote a novel and it turned out to be inspirational. Just thought I toss that into your memory bank in case you have young daughters.
Happy New Year! I'm at this venue if you'd like to stop by.
Charmaine, that sounds interesting. There are so many books which I loved which I hope to share in my short three weeks with these kids. :)
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