I have a confession to make. I never really liked Halloween growing up.
Some people love dressing up in costume and going door to door for candy. I wasn't one of them. we didn't have a lot of money, so the costume was always some sort of hand-me-down, and never what I actually wanted. The weather was always cold, so we were either covering our costumes with winter jackets or freezing to death on the sidewalk, lol.
Thankfully, my kids didn't inherit my cynicism. They both love Halloween and look forward to going out with their dad around the neighborhood. Since I like to stay warm, I am the one to hand out candy, and I have to admit that this job is more suited to my style. I love seeing the unique costumes and the smiles on the kids faces. I always make sure to hand out the good chocolate (peanut butter cups and kit kats,) so it's fun seeing the kids race to my door. There's no doubt about it: Halloween is much better as an adult. :)
How about you? Do you have fond memories of Halloween as a kid, or do you like the holiday much more as an adult? Tell me about it in the comment section. I'd love to hear from you!
You can find me all around the web this week. I'm part of the Fall Into a Wicked Good Time event on Facebook (complete with Rafflecopter Give Away!). I'm also part of a huge paperback give away with Love, Lust and Lipstick stains.
Finally, I'm running book sales.Last week I released Corazon, the third book in my Jungle Heat series. For today and tomorrow, I put the first book in the series, Cria, on sale for 99 cents. So if you want to sample my Brazilian cat shifters, you can try out this series on the cheap. But, you better hurry, the price goes back up to $2.99 November 1st!
Jungle Heat is a series of stories that take place deep in the Amazon Jungle in Brazil. In this world there are many types of shifters who call the Amazon home. As humans farm the land for lumber and other resources, the shifters are forced out of their homes and a turf war develops. How these different tribes come together to save their lands is the basis of this series.
Suzanne is represented by Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency and writes mainstream romances under the pen name Ava Conway.
Connect with Suzanne online:
Nay...some yay. Halloween has never been my favorite holiday (Christmas is) but, I do decorate in autumn colors and put out a few pumpkins, all of which I leave up through Thanksgiving (my husband's favorite holiday). I love colors orange and browns, so I can't resist decorating. I do give out loads of candy on Halloween night, even though most Halloween nights are very cold and sometimes snowy.
Halloween is so manufactured. I think it's been as commercialized as Xmas. Although I enjoy them both, there's too much hoo-haw.
I love seeing the kids all dressed up for Halloween. The fun of costumes and make-believe. I'm not into the scary part but I do love the dress up part.
Sounds like growing up, your Halloween experience and mine were a lot alike, Suzanne. Halloween became more fun when my kids were little. Now that I have grandkids, I love having them visit in costume and making up treat bags for them, but after the visit, the doors are shut, the house dark and I'm off to the local Barnes and Noble to write. This new tradition started one Halloween when hubby was away for job training and I didn't want to be alone in the house that's not in the best of neighborhoods. Someday that may change, but for now, no decoration, no costumes, but there is a few treats in a bowl.
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