The traditional saying is: "A bayberry candle, burned to the socket, bring health to the home and wealth to the pocket"

I'm hoping you can resist my Xmas release either. Unexpected Christmas is just released and tell the story of a Lord Sebastian, who must find a way to solve a most unusual problem
if he wants to claim his love. The problem could have been true in Regency
times. And no, you gotta read it yourself to find out what it is. It's erotic, and
just out from Ellora's Cave.

He smiled a devilish grin.
“Did we set a forfeit for the loser? No, we
did not. I therefore claim my winner’s prize.”
There in the snow he took her in his arms
and kissed her with the passion that had been building for the last two days.
Ever since she’s raised those glorious eyes. Great coats, capes,
snow coating both their faces, nothing could dim his kiss and her passionate
When he could breathe again he did not
release his hold on her.
“Caro, do you know where this is going? Do
you even begin to know how much I want you?”
She was silent even as she snuggled as close
to him as she could get.
“Yes, I think I do. It’s not nearly as much
as I want you. But if I surrender we both know what that means. I’m not worthy
of your notice in the ton where you shine. And I’m not really cut out to be a
mistress. I need to think.”
“Ah, Caro. I want you more than I’ve ever
wanted another woman.”
She moved away from him.
“I’m not sure that’s enough, Sebastian.
Maybe for you. But maybe not for me.”
She struggled through the snowdrifts to the
door of that disreputable inn, and then disappeared.
He stared after her. He’d told the truth
when he said he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted another woman. That was
clear even to his muddled head. But how to claim her without violating her
considerable pride he did not know. And if he destroyed her shining integrity
would he still desire her?
Even more important, would she still value
Her frank response had amazed him.
He couldn’t see his desire fading, even
though his history told him otherwise. He had a distinct impression his passion
for Caro was of a different dimension.
But how did a simple man know?
He went back to bringing in the last of the
logs and banking the fire in the kitchen stove to make it last as long as
possible. With the eggs gone, they could go back to using the main fireplace.
At least that provided a modicum of heat to the bedrooms above. At the thought
of the coming night, he almost felt despair. He did not dare get in bed with
her again. He’d be on top of her in a minute, parting those luscious legs and
making her his.
He couldn’t do that to Caro.
He’d sleep on the
floor and hope they were rescued before another night. They’d better be.
Thanks for sharing your family tradition of the bayberry candle, Jean. It's a lovely one, and I shall be on the lookout to experience the aromatherapy of it. Your story looks intriguing~I wish you lots of sales!
Beautiful post, Jean. Thank you for sharing a little bit of your family and tradition with us all. :)
Jean, I've heard of the bayberry candle before, and it's a lovely tradition.
Your story sounds lovely and the hero has integrity.
Beautiful cover, Jean - congrats on your newest release. :)
I don't think I've ever burned or even smelled a bayberry candle; maybe we need to try one this year? And awesome excerpt!
Thanks to everyone for your comments. Molly,, a true bayberry candle has no scent, except a little waxy scent. If it has a scent that's been added. Do try one though...
And thanks to everyone for the congratulations on my new release. I found a most unusual custom of that time and based some of the story on it. Amazing what you learn when you're a writer.
I've always loved the scent of bayberry candles! For some reason, the holiday season has always been a perfect setting for a Regency and this one sounds perfect. Wishing you many sales and a lovely holiday season:)
Thanks, Paris. My candle is already to be burned on Xmas eve. Have done this for more years than I'm about to admit to!!!!
Love the cover and excerpt. I haven't heard about bayberry candles as a holiday tradition. I bet it smells wonderful at your house.
Happy Holidays!
Thanks again to all who commented. Have a blessed holiday season.
Lovely post Jean. It just reminded me of the three large chunks of bayberry wax I've yet to do something with. I think I'll make a candle! Thanks for sharing.
Jean, I remember this from last year. I bought a bayberry candle then and followed your instructions. Haven't gotten the wealth, far from it, but my family's healthy so that's better than money.
Your new book sounds great. Congratulations.
Rose, let me know how the candle turns out. How do you make one from scratch. I'm intrigued. And
Cara, there nothing better than healthy, as you say. Burn another candle this year!!!
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