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Monday, April 30, 2012

World Building

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I found building my Hell Realm for Demonic Persuasion Book One in Prophesies Implied and Makhi Incubus Enforcers Book One a blast. The realm build started off as something to just fill in the time. In an hour of doodling and and eating twizzlers I had a basis of the tiers of  my build. It wasn't until Makhi that I was able to build more and show the difference in demonic classes.

Demonic Warrior is in full swing right now. I'm delving more into the Navajo side in Hakan's story using Fatal and Orobus as the major sub plot that will evolve throughout Demonic Queen (tentative as the third story).  I found I could have two separate builds this way, the life of the Dine Gods and the Underworld with Earth as the mid line for between.

I'm ready for another challenge. Something a bit more complex but attainable. A way to broaden my experience and expand my imagination. 

Sci Fi romance is becoming more and more popular. I haven't read a whole lot of sci fi romance. I admit I'm a bit of intimidated by all of the technology that's used, but ready to try my hand and all off of a dream I had almost a month ago.

The Planet name? Zrazvy. That's the only hint for now. I could tell you the hero's name and the the blurb but I'll wait awhile. It's fun putting a bug in ears of readers just to tease.  Who knows I might even divulge more in the near future.

Until then... if you haven't picked up a copy of Maki it's on Amazon right now for .99 a great buy. And if you haven't picked up a Copy of Demonic Persuasion. Bitten by just did a fantastic review on it :P
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Blurb: Born of a Navajo healer and a high-level prince of Hell, The Dine Gods demanded Fatal be turned over to her mother's tribe to learn their healing arts and kept away from demon hands. But with her tutelage came cruel segregation and disrespect because of her father's heritage. Not knowing why her life has suddenly come under demon attack, Fatal sets out, armed with her knowledge and her fighting skills, to take out any evil that gets in her way.
As prince of a lower level of Hell, Orobus signed a contract in blood that he be betrothed to Fatal, the high prince of Hell’s half-breed daughter. Oracle by birth, he isn’t privy to complete visions with regard to himself. Having forgotten the fateful night he signed the agreement, he’s thrust into the fight of his life—the fight to claim his woman! Come Hell or high water, he will take care of what is rightfully his, even if it means making her face both sides of her heritage and teaching her there is no shame.


Exiled. From the only home she’d ever known. After the first set of demons came to Fatal’s tribal lands, Sani, her grandfather and the Dine God of the Navajo, ordered her to leave permanently. Head held high, she packed her few belongings and left, determined to live her life on her own terms.
New experiences would be good for her, Fatal told herself while barhopping from Broadway to Westport Road, hoping to find the perfect atmosphere. A niggling itch under her skin kept her alert for possible trouble lurking in the shadows, but the cool metal caressing the inside of her thighs reminded her protection lay within arm’s reach. She never knew when a new set of demons would pop into her life and resented the intrusion she was forced to endure.
As she ambled down the darkened streets, she moved with a sense of ease, gaining blatant glances or admiring stares. She knew she was breathtaking, however bad omens had few friends, no dates, and no boyfriends. People in her hometown hadn’t hesitated to ask her for advice, or to chant with them when it suited their needs. She lived in solitude, with the exception of her occasional visits from her grandfather Sani, and Taima her mentor. She pushed her musings aside and moved through an alleyway that broke off to the next major street.
Silence surrounded her. She turned to head south when something caught her eye. Intrigued, she meandered down a side street and came to a demonic-looking, gargoyle-protected, granite structure. An eerie blood-red sign hung above thick vault doors with the words “Demonic Persuasion” in black paint. She’d heard of the club that catered to just about anyone’s needs and decided to get in line. Reaching the final steps to the entrance of the club, Fatal flashed a smile at the doorman and waited for him to move.
"The fee’s ten bucks."
Digging in her boot, her gaze strayed to the bunched biceps peaking out of his black tee-shirt, roving over his cut physique. Slapping cash into his hand, she smiled. "Happy now?”
"I’ll be when you check your weapons, if it's even possible for you to have any hidden underneath your black corset and micro miniskirt.”
"Oh, you’d be surprised what one can hide against near-naked skin. My name’s Ackchetta, most call me Fatal." She smirked and hiked up her skirt. Buried between her thighs were two small blades. Thin metal stars she'd hidden on her hipbones slid into her palms without effort. Flashing an annoyed expression, she dropped them in his outstretched hand. "There you go. I want them back, though."
"The one behind your back too, sweet stuff."
His droll expression did nothing to alleviate the feeling of nakedness without her weaponry. "Aren't you going to be polite and tell me your name?"
Anger set in. She smoothed her hands over her short skirt and adjusted her scant top. Her hackles rose when he spun her around and tapped the slender blade. “No one said you could touch!” She let out a growl and removed the extra-slim blade hidden under her corset top.
"My club, my rules. No fighting, no weapons, and no magic, if--you know any."
"Since you’re scared of a small thing like me, I think I can behave myself for a few hours.”
He sent a dazzling smile her way and then turned to a young woman. Dropping her weapons into an outstretched hand, he whispered into the sleek brunette woman’s ear.
Fatal narrowed her eyes. "It's rude to whisper."
"Follow Marzena, she'll take you to the weaponry hold and issue you a ticket."
“I still didn’t catch your name.”
“I know.”
Rude and hot. About to turn away, her breath hitched when the shimmering tattoos sprang to life on his skin. From head to toe he was a sight to behold. Long black hair touched his shoulders. His blue eyes sparkled when he smiled. Thick muscles bunched with every movement. Long legs encased in black trousers, muscular thighs brought a silent moan of want to her lips. She’d never wanted like this. She stole a look at his goatee and wondered how it’d feel scraping across her face, his breath on her mouth before he kissed her with the same intensity he stared at her with. She’d do anything to feel those lips on hers, to touch the once-broken, too-many-times-healed nose.
While they were walking, Fatal glanced over her shoulder to continue drinking in the handsome man. Marzena stopped at the holding station for weapons, secured them and wrote out a ticket. “Here.” She handed the paper to Fatal. “When you're done mooning over my boss, I'll show you around the club."
Fatal pocketed the ticket. Boss fit his personality. She tore her gaze from the front door back to Marzena. “He’s beautiful.” She stole one last quick look.

Check out the Review for Demonic Persuasion here! BBB

Also checkout my new website  update Here!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Novels Versus Short Stories

I'm hearing short stories are becoming the trend.  People don't always have time to sit down to enjoy a long novel. They can read a short story on their cell phone while in line at the airport, grocery store, or riding as a passenger (no reading and driving please) in a car.  

Young people, especially, like everything to be fast, so a short story of 5,000 to 20,000 words is a quick read for them.  When you grow up in a world of texting, computers, cell phones and anything that gives instant gratification there's no time for reading 120,000 word novels, or something even more epic proportions.

Everyone I know leads a busy life.  Do you have time to read?  Do you like short stories or novel length?  While I'm here, do you like short or long blogs?  lol

Sandra K. Marshall
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Interview of Author Elaine Cantrell

Today it's my pleasure to present an interview or romance author Elaine Cantrell.

Latest Book: Her Kind of Man is on sale for 25% off at Use this code: Her-Kind-of-Man-25-percent-discount

Video trailer for The Sentence at


Elaine Cantrell was born and raised in South Carolina where she obtained a master’s degree in personnel services from Clemson University.  She is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary society for women educators, Romance Writers of America, and EPIC authors.  Her first novel, A New Leaf, was the 2003 winner of the Timeless Love Contest.  When she’s not writing or teaching, she enjoys movies, quilting, reading, and collecting vintage Christmas ornaments. 

Q: What’s the first thing you did when you received word you’d sold a book?

A: I was dipping some ice cream when the phone rang. I picked it up and almost passed out because the publisher from Oak Tree Press was on the line. I had entered a manuscript in the Timeless Love contest which is sponsored each year by Oak Tree. Ms. Johnson was calling me to tell me I’d won. I almost floated to the living room to tell my husband, totally forgetting that I had left an entire carton of ice cream sitting on the cabinet. By the time I remembered it, I had a dreadful mess to deal with. Know what? I didn’t even care. We celebrated later in the week by going out to dinner, but I don’t remember much about the dinner. I always think about the ice cream.

Q: What part of the book is the easiest for you to write? Why?

A: Beyond a doubt, the beginning is the easiest for me. When I start a new book, I’m totally energized and motivated. I’m so excited that I can’t type fast enough to get the words down. It’s like there’s a whole new and wonderful world in my head just waiting for me to give it life. And it’s exciting to meet new characters too. As an author you live with these guys for a long time as you write their story. They become friends which is always exciting.

Q: What part of the book is the hardest for you? Why?

A: For me, the hardest part of any book is writing descriptive passages. I know that writers can engage their readers with description, but I’ve read some books that had beautiful descriptive passages and were so boring. It’s hard for me to know just exactly how much detail is necessary. I tend to under write details so my editors have to take me in hand later and make me write more.

Q: Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
A: Yikes! That’s like asking a mother to pick a favorite child. The character that stayed with me the longest is Richard Lovinggood from Return Engagement. I guess Richard is my fantasy man. He’s an alpha male who’s putty in the hands of his Elizabeth. Richard is decisive, impulsive, passionate, reckless, and maybe just a teeny bit dangerous. Life with him would never be boring and mundane. He makes an adventure out of even something trivial like a trip to the beach. If you haven’t read about his and Elizabeth’s meeting on the beach, you should. I think you’d see exactly why I love him.

Q: If one of your books became a movie, which celebrity would you like to star as one of your heroines? Tell us about your heroine.
A: The heroine in one of my new releases The Sentence is called Rachel Amos. Rachel’s had something unusual happen to her. Her father is a minister who took Clint Hayes into his home rather than let Hayes go to jail. Rachel knows her father means to help this man, but she can’t help resenting Clint. As she gets to know him better, she finds that he isn’t anything like she thought he was. In fact, she develops quite an attraction for him, a state of affairs that shames her something awful. I think Kristen Stewart would be a good actress to play Rachel. Kristen looks very much like my description of Rachel except Rachel had blue eyes.

Q: Do all your heroes and all heroines look the same in your mind as you “head write”?
A: What an interesting question! No, my characters look different. Ross Williams from Her Kind of Man “looks like a romance novel cover model” according to my heroine. He’s tall with big muscles, dark, dark hair, and penetrating blue eyes. On the other hand, Clint Hayes from The Sentence is only of average height. He has sandy blond hair and bluish-gray eyes. He’s muscular, but not as developed as Ross.

Find Elaine at the following locations.

Is it possible she’s finally found Her Kind of Man?

Ross Williams has been in love with Kara Cochrane since they were kids so when Kara's fiancé Brandon Miles cheats on her and calls off their wedding—Ross steps in to rescue the damsel in distress.

 A heartbroken Kara just wants to get on with her life and hunky Ross provides her with a definite distraction—that is until she starts falling for him. Big time.

But a devastating family secret threatens to destroy everything that Kara holds dear—including her relationship with Ross.

“What a great movie!” Kara gushed as she and Katie left the theater. She tossed her empty popcorn box and leftover soda into the trash can by the door. “Mama and Daddy will want to see it too.”

Katie blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes. “I know. It was too sad for words.”

 As they left the theater and crossed the parking lot, Katie turned her head at the sound of a car door slamming. “Why, there’s Kelly and Brandon.”

Kara looked in the direction of Katie’s pointing finger. “Great! They can….” Her voice trailed off as Kelly moved into Brandon’s passionate embrace!

“What…?” Kara’s words choked her as Brandon buried his hands in Kelly’s hair and kissed her as if he held the world’s greatest treasure in his arms.

 Katie grabbed her arm. “Come on. We’re getting to the bottom of this.”

Kara dragged her feet as Katie towed her across the parking lot. “Katie, maybe….”

“What’s wrong with you?” Katie glared over her shoulder. “Hurry up!”

Kelly and Brandon were still wrapped around each other when Katie and Kara reached them.

“Kelly!” Katie exclaimed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Kelly jerked away from Brandon so fast she stumbled and had to grab his arm to keep her balance. Even in the parking lot’s dim light, Kara saw her sister’s face had gone scarlet as had Brandon’s.

Kara didn’t say anything. She couldn’t.

Kelly flinched as Brandon took her hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry, Kara. We never meant for you to find out this way.”

 “What were you going to do?” Katie demanded with a wave of her hand. “Leave her at the altar?”

“No,” Kelly replied. Her eyes glittered like two burning blue coals. “We planned to tell her tomorrow night. That way she’d have the weekend off to…to…to get used to things.”

Brandon looked Kara directly in the face for the first time. “I’m sorry, Kara. You have to know I never meant to hurt you, but I can’t marry you if I’m in love with your sister.”

Thanks for reading!
Elaine Cantrell
Hope. Dreams. Life… Love

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Humor Writing by Janice Seagraves

My Humor Writing
By Janice Seagraves

A friend of mine asked about my humor, and all I can really say is—humor is my life.

Seriously, with a husband and family like I got, I’m always entertained. Although I’m not a humorist by a long shot, my sarcasm which I use in place of humor does tend to creep into my writing.

For instance, when I got my first edits for my first book, Windswept Shores, it came in during the middle of 

Nanowrimo (National Novel Writers Month). I thought, “Yeah, I can write a 50 k novel and do my first edits. No problem.” Then I got called into to jury duty.

Okay, now we might have a problem.

My schedule was this: from 8:00 am until 3:30 pm, I served on the jury for a civil case. In the evenings, I worked on my edits and then my Nano story until my eyes wouldn’t stay focused anymore.

Unfortunately, all this work caught up with me.

Ugh, there’s nothing like being teased by fellow jurors when you fall asleep during a court case.

With only a few days left to serve on the civil case, I stumbled home, blurry eyed and exhausted to find husband and daughter gone. My mom, I already knew, had picked up my daughter from HS.

But where was hubby?

I saw his PDA holder, which the daughter and I laughing call his clutch purse. So I knew he had been home. 

But because my husband has an insane need to be liked, he gets suckered into helping out anyone who asked him to do anything . . . except me.

So I figured he was out . . . you know . . . .

I waited for him, sitting on the couch and ended up falling asleep with the cat on my lap. Then the phone rang. When I jumped up to grab the phone, the cat scrambled to stay on, clawing me in the process.


The cat gave me a dirty look, as if to say “if you stayed put I wouldn't have had to scratch you, now would I?”

I answered the phone, and it was hubby.

Me: "Where are you?"

Him: "Out in the field."

Me: "What, are you doing out there?

Him: "I’m chasing an Emu.”

Me: "What the hell?"

Him: "No, really I'm casing a real emu."

Me: "????"

Him: "Honey, are you still there?"

Me: *dramatic sigh* "Just come home."

Him: "Okay."

My daughter made it home before he did.

Oh, it gets better.

The next day when I was taking my daughter to school, guess what I saw standing next to our long country 

And yes this really did happen.

I drove by the emu real slow, my daughter and I staring back with our mouths hanging open.

The emu stared serenely back.

I swear, this sort of thing could only happen to us.

(BTW, I did finish both the edits and my Nanowrimo story.)

When not writing, or keeping her husband of thirty-one years from chasing emus, Janice Seagraves can be found reading, doing pen and ink drawings, working in the garden or taking photos. She lives in a hundred year old haunted house (I’m not kidding) with two overly affectionate cats and a German Shepard puppy that can’t get the cats to play with her.

You can find Janice Seagraves on her main blog:
And on her website:
My book
Windswept Shores by Janice Seagraves
Cover Contest Winner
erotic contemporary romance
novel (approx 50K)
price $4.95
Cover Art by Pink Petal Books with assistance from Winterheart Design

The sole survivor of a plane crash, Megan is alone on a deserted island in the Bahamas until she finds a nearly-drowned man washed up on shore. Another survivor, this time from a boat wreck. With only meager survival skills between them, will they survive and can they find love?


“Will this do ya?”

Megan glanced at what Seth had in his hands. “Oh, you found my gathering basket and scrapers. Sure, that’s fine for gathering mussels.” She unbuttoned her cotton shirt and hung it on a nearby bush. The lace-edged camisole she wore underneath was a bright green but didn’t really go with her outfit. She stuck in her thumbs into the elastic band of her capri pants, stopping with a startled look at Seth.

“Don’t let me stop you.” He grinned, showing a flash of white teeth in his tanned face.

“Uh, I’ll just leave these on.” Yanking her hands out, her face heated as she ducked her head.

“If I weren’t ‘ere, you’d do it in the nuddy,” he accused.

“If that means naked, not quite,” she corrected, hanging the basket on her arm.

“Then in you’re underdaks?”

“Uh—underwear?” She frowned, wondering why he wouldn’t drop it. “Um, yeah, it saves on the washing, 
especially since I have to do it by hand and also drying the clothes is iffy business at best.”

“I hear ya, but still don’t let me stop you from doing something you do naturally.” Heat filled her body with the look he gave her. 

Oh, God, he’s a man all right. “Thanks, but I’m more comfortable with my clothes on with company around.”

Seth arched an eyebrow. “I’m company?”

“You’re my guest.”

He gave her a lopsided grin. “How about a mate? I reckoned you could use one.”

“If that means friend, sure why not?” She smiled.

“Abso-bloody-lutely,” he agreed.

They waded out and began scraping off the black, shiny mussels that clung to the rock. The surf pulled and dragged at her legs, getting both of them thoroughly soaked. 

“Isn’t that a beaut?” Seth showed Megan a fine clutch of mussels. “I got ‘em in one go.”

“Oh, that’s great! And they’re nice big ones, too.” She held out the basket, but slipped on a stone, stumbling against his side.

He dropped the shellfish into the basket she held. “Easy there, mate.”

“I mean the mussels,” she snapped.

“I meant the mussles, too.” He scraped at another batch. “Course, a man’s muscle is his most important body part.”

“O-oh, you’re just like every guy I know. Why is it always sex with men?”

“Do you know which muscle I was even talking about?” He smirked. “Most blokes are scum.” He glanced sidelong at her. “Most blokes just want to tell their mates how many birds they've shagged that week.” He dropped more mussels in her basket. “But I could be different, if you ever want to find out.”

“You do realize I’m a married woman?”

Seth yanked his gaze up to hers. “Megz, I realize you’re a spunky widow.”

“I’m not a widow. He’s alive,” she snapped, blinking back tears.

“You have a nightmare every night about his death.”

“I-I don’t know for sure.” Megan scraped vigorously at a new spot. “Jonathan might have made it. The plane could have . . . popped out—” Half the shiny black shells fell into the water, as she snatched at the rest. “From the other side of the wave,” she finished.

“Orright.” He shrugged.

Megan dropped her mussels into the basket. “I think we have enough. Let’s go in.”

“Ready when you are, mate.”

Roaring filled her ears as a large wave hit, for a moment all Megan could see was teal tinged water.

A hand grabbed her arm, keeping her rooted to the spot. “Megz?”

Megan coughed rubbing the saltwater sting from her eyes. “I’m fine,” she gasped.

“Let me have the mussels. The waves are picking up.” He dropped his scraper into her basket, then took it from her.

Another wave hit, but this time it lifted Megan off the rocks. Seth grabbed her around the waist. She clung to him.

“The sea means to take you back.”

“It can’t have me.” She looked around. “I think I lost my scraper.”

“Let it go, mate. You can make another.”

In the lull, when the wave washed back out to sea, Seth handed Megan back the basket. “Hang on a tick.” 

She clutched it to her chest. He abruptly picked her up and waded ashore.

Surprise made her eyes big as her cheeks heated. She glanced shyly up at him, then over his shoulders to the rocks the waves crested over. “The tide has come in. I usually keep watch for things like that.”

“I must be a distraction for ya.” Seth grinned, while he set her down on the sand.

“When are you not a distraction to anyone?” she asked with one hand against his muscular chest.

“My mum said I’m always one to hog all the attention to myself.”

“I think she’s right.” She took a step back so she could pat his arm. “Thank you for keeping me from being swept off to sea.”

“That’s what mates are for.” He took the basket, with a look inside it, he added, “Besides, you were carrying me brekky.” Seth smirked down at her. “I really like yer top. You should wear it more often.”

“Oh!” Megan gave a mortified glance at her clingy camisole, which looked like it was spray painted on. Her erect nipples were making credible attempts to poke holes in the thin material. She snatched her brown shirt off the bush, hurrying to slip it on. Dammit, I’m never wearing this again.

Seth chuckled while he hauled the mussels up to their camp.
Windswept Shores is available at:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Inventor of the Future

How do you becomes an inventor of many things but never file a patent or worry about manufacturing costs? You never need to develop a prototype, yet your invention works the first time you design it. Give up? You become a writer of science fiction, futuristic romance and cyberpunk. It's a given that you can't build a new world of the future with technology standing still for centuries.

So, in a world torn apart by mass destruction, corporate and government tyranny and the loss of freedom, what inventions still emerge as everyday items that have become as necessary as our current automobiles, fast food and cell phones? Here is a sample of some of the technology that is highlighted in the first two books in the Cash Chronicles series (Full Moon Rising, Book 2, just released this month):

Transportation From Frozen Assets, Book 1: "This is a water jet car." She laughed. "Some comics call them 'Wet-jets' after a gizmo they had … never mind. Anyway, it flies. Its fuel is water, actually steam. No waste or pollution." So, you see, not only are humans flying daily in the world of the future, but their common means of transportation is ecologically-sound. The water jet releases steam which condenses into water and evaporates into the atmosphere. No pollution, no wasting of natural resources.

Fast Food From Frozen Assets, Book 1: "These 2572s are so named because they can be stored until that year. They're activated by direct sunlight and a drop of water. Immediate expansion and they're reconstituted and are ready to consume. That's why we have to keep them in this bag."

William scratched his chin. "What's inside the bag, silver?"

Nicky shook his head. "It's a new carbon alloy. It's almost weightless and light deflecting properties."

"Does it harm the planet?" Caleb hated the way people in his time ruined the planet, covered Mother Earth with buildings, ruined its water, ruined the air. Having lived on a farm, his first thought was always conservation. From what Fran had told them, with Mil as the Primera destroy the world to rule it was the imperative.

"Oh, heavens no," Nicky said. "That wouldn't be very brown and this world is all about brown." He frowned.

"What's brown?" Nicky closed the bag.

"Of the earth. All products must be made from the earth so they can return to the earth." Here we see that some old technology has evolved, not disappeared. Also, we see that in the world of the future there are many attempts to be ecologically friendly. This is ironic since the dictatorial government in power is responsible for so much of the future world's destruction.

Communication You've heard about don't text and drive, what about this? From Full Moon Rising, Book 2: Projecting the image of his current study text onto the dash of the water/solar hybrid, Wallace Cash studied the molecular structure of antimatter and, multi-tasking, hit Mach 12, a nice smooth cruising speed. Wallace's minoplex interphase also has video talking features and can be placed on special frequencies. It can project films and recent broadcasts and numerous other taks. Recreation Gambling has been outlawed, yet the machines still exist.

From Frozen Assets, Book 1: "They're pretty," Win said, touching a bright red machine with five windows in the center. "How are they powered?"

"Wind," Nicky said. "Everything went either solar or wind-powered in 2050."

"Are you?" Win asked.

"Of course not." Nicky crossed his arms. "I'm made of organic material, polymers, self-healing and replicating crystalline structures and a computer for a brain. I am un-hackable and impervious to an electromagnetic pulse."

Win reached to touch a glowing yellow knob. Nicky clamped his hand around her wrist and jerked it back. "Don't touch anything. This place is a trap for the Constitutionalists. The games are armed with protection plutonic beams."

"I see the kill first, ask questions later mentality hasn't changed," Caleb muttered. Which brings me to war and destruction. Caleb says that even though they're in the future, there is no peaceful attempt to get along but a seeming need of the government to protect some while destroying others. It is a world of factions, pitting neighbor against neighbor. This theme continues in Full Moon Rising, even though the world has been at an uneasy peace for a number of years. Below, war jets fly over, destroying a squad of government forces (in this time period, these are the good guys). That follows by "cleanup." A shrill piercing noise followed and a close target trans-molecular aggravator hit ground zero, incinerating the remains. Come join me in The Cash family's world of the future and find out what other inventions I've conjured up. I promise they all operate perfectly.


Bobbye Terry writes contemporary romantic comedy and suspense under her real name and romantic fantasy and science fiction when writing as Daryn Cross. She is also half of the well-known writing duo of Terry Campbell. You can find her at and more about the series at Also check out Honey Blood and the Collector, released by Turquoise Morning Press at Amazon.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Interview of Author Meg Bellamy


Today I'm pleased to present an interview of romance author Meg Bellamy.

Latest Book: Homecoming


Along with her husband, her family and her books, language is Meg’s passion. In fact, by day she’s a mild-mannered language teacher. Currently she teaches ESL (English as a Second Language) to international students, but in her early teaching days, her main subject was French. Though her French is a bit rusty these days, she figures a trip to France would help fix that. She’s also studied Russian, Spanish and Italian. This love of language spills over into her writing craft and appreciation for books.—and travel! Meg gets to satisfy the travel bug with trips to England—as often as possible!—to visit her son, daughter-in-law and grandsons. It’s great when Lee, her DH, also goes because driving on the left side of the road doesn’t intimidate him—talk about your basic hero type! Meg also has to travel to see her daughter, who lives in New Jersey—a mere continent away from Meg’s home in Northern California.

Being a published member of the community of writers with her contemporary romances and women’s fiction is the fulfillment of one of Meg’s most cherished dreams. Her first Meg release, Homecoming, was released this year by The Wild Rose Press. Check for upcoming releases.

Q: What part of the book is the easiest for you? Why? What part of the book is the hardest for you?

A: Why? Great question! Actually, I wanted to answer the “easiest” question and realized I couldn’t! Usually I enjoy doing the first draft because I feel very free to just write and not worry or edit. But that doesn’t make it easy.

For me, the hardest thing is to face a blank page. I need to have something written in order to move ahead. Sometimes I’ll just write even a nonsense word to start so that I’m not dealing with a totally blank page.

Q: Who is your favorite character in your book and why?

A: One of the secondary characters is my favorite in Homecoming. Glenys is the housemate of Julie, the heroine. Glenys is Irish – very giving and generous in every way. I modeled her after someone I’d met and had a lot of fun with her. I hope some day soon to write Glenys’s story.

Q: If one of your books became a movie, which celebrity would you like to star as one of your heroes? Tell us about your hero.

A: Appropriate or not, I’d love to have Johnny Depp star as the hero of the movie. I’m assuming as author of the book, I’d get a chance to meet the stars of the movie.

 My heroes do tend to be dark-haired – some variety in eye color. Of course they’re all built and buff. I like my heroes intelligent and with a sense of humor. Not perfect – that would be too much of a challenge for any heroine. But ready to learn and grow with his love.

Q: Do you eat comfort food when writing? If so, what food inspires your imagination?

A: Of course my primary comfort food is chocolate – in many variations. I find chocolate very inspirational. In second place are crunchy, salty snacks – nuts, chips.

Did I mention the inspirational value of celery? No? Hmmm. Maybe that’s wishful thinking…

Q: What’s your strongest point as a writer?  

A: My love for and good usage of English is the starting point for me. In addition, I tend to have a quirky, unusual way of looking at things – this comes across in some very original plots and characters. What is your favorite romance book that you’ve read? It’s so hard to choose just one. I love Ain’t She Sweet by Susan Elizabeth Phillips because she does such an amazing job of redeeming a heroine who really seems hopeless at first. I also love Sandra Brown’s book Envy. I’d highly recommend both.

 Tell us where to find you: website(s), publisher’s page(s), blog(s), Facebook page(s), etc. List them all! Website:
Twitter: @MegBellamy
Soon to be on Facebook!


When family illness forces Julie Loring to return home to North Carolina from New York, she intends to make the speediest possible escape. Her hope to avoid seeing old love Dan Williams is dashed the first night back in their small town..

Still in love with Julie, not knowing why she ran off twelve years before, Dan wants her as his wife and mother to his child. Though Julie warns she’s not changed, neither can deny the sparks that fly between them.

But Julie left with a secret—one she’s certain will destroy any chance they might have to make a life together.


Dan paused. “There’s tension between us. It’s time to clear the air.” 

 Julie sighed. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t you think it’s time to talk about the way you left. The way you left me. Without ever saying good-bye.”

“Dan, that’s ancient history. And now’s not the time—”

“Heck, this is the only time in twelve years you’ve been willing to talk to me. With your mother gone, I suspect it’ll be your last time down here and you don’t want communication from home when you’re in New York. I’d better get answers now.”

“My mother just died.”

“I know that. But don’t you see? She was still a young woman. Her death reminds us of the obvious lesson. Life is too short to keep things hidden. So I’ll just lay it all out, simple as I can, and ask you to do the same. Meet me.”

His thoughts echoed her frustration with the unanswered questions from her own past. She owed it to Dan not to leave him in the kind of limbo she’d landed in. Her head in a turmoil of mixed emotions, she agreed to meet with him.

* * * 

Dan drove to Connor’s Corner, where he and Julie used to love to walk through the meadow behind the rustic general shop. Here they could be alone together, away from friends, family and the clamor of everyday life. They even had a favorite tree, a big old oak they could shelter beneath in complete peace. Here they could talk through their problems, spin their dreams. Here they made love. Here he could almost believe they could both be together and lead the lives of their dreams. It would be simple, right?

Talk about a fantasy. Nothing about being with her had ever been simple or easy—not since they’d been back in grammar school, and she was the pint-sized charmer who took her own sweet time climbing the iron steps to zoom down the slide. From the very first day he’d seen her, he’d wanted to punch out any one who dared to get in her way—not that she ever needed his muscle in that way. Back then she’d been the smallest kid in her class. They were all poor, but most of them managed to have one new piece of clothing. Not Julie Beth. Her stuff always appeared clean and neat but worn or faded, typical of charity shop clothing. The class bully made the mistake of mocking her dress one day. Little as she was, she used her fists and sharp tongue to teach him a lesson he’d never forget. Dan had been ready to come to the rescue, but she’d risen to the challenge on her own. He shook his head at the memory. Knowing her as he did, why did he still imagine he could play the role of knight defender to her damsel in distress?

Rational reason or no, his adrenaline flowed at the prospect. She still took his breath away, with those large blue eyes, her hair like wheat blowing in a fresh breeze. In the twelve years they’d been apart, she’d gone from a girl on the cusp of beautiful womanhood to more than fulfilling that promise.

 She challenged him. With her, he became more intense, more alive, than at any other time—complete. Though he vowed to hide the truth from her until the opportune moment, he still wanted her. How empty his life was without her. Could they find a way to fix what had gone wrong? Hell, why did he even imagine any sort of future for them? She’d done nothing to indicate any interest. He’d had to pick up the pieces of his shattered self after her departure twelve years ago. More of the same? Much as he might be willing to take that chance, he had more to consider than his own pain. He owed it to his daughter to do better. Broken hearts didn’t make for good parenting.

“What the hell am I messing with?” Great. Talking to himself—what next?

After she left, he married and went on with his life. Maybe too soon. People warned him not to get involved on the rebound, nonetheless he did—and it worked. Though he never forgot Julie Beth, he’d committed to Mary Lou and they had a solid marriage. He’d have been faithful to her forever if—

When the car in front of him sped up, a pebble from the road bounced against the windshield, reminding him to focus. Reminding him of how he’d lost Mary Lou. Loss came in moments, forever altering lives. He’d never forget her, but he’d healed enough to know life was meant to be lived in the present.

With Julie Beth back, he had take that second chance. Life was too short not to.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Meg is about to begin indie pubbing. Her sexy “alternate identity” Mardi Ballou has already begun – with Photo Finish, Teach Him Tonight, Book #1 on Kindle at

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hot or Sexy...

...How do you like it? Of course, I’m talking about romance novels. What else would I be talking about? Do you like to read sweet stories where the lovemaking takes place behind closed doors? Or do you prefer hot books with lots of explicit lovemaking, or maybe really naughty books--ménage, BDSM, and anything else your imagination can conjure? With the plethora of romance sub-genres and sub-sub genres, there’s something for everyone. In my totally unempirical research, I believe erotic romance and erotica dominate the market. Erotic romance continues to push the envelope with ever more daring storylines. 

While I enjoy erotic romance, I don’t take it as a steady diet, but it’s a nice treat now and then. I recently read a very, very hot erotic romance novella while I was exercising on the bike at the gym. As the story got hotter, I pedaled faster and faster. It’s a wonder the bike didn’t come off the stand and break through the window. I got quite a workout that day. If the story had been a full-length novel I would have been at the gym until they closed. I could not stop reading. Now, that’s hot. Um--reading erotica as a weight loss and fitness program. Might work. My usual preference is sensual with varying degrees of hotness--to read and to write. 

There are times I get tired of writing love scenes or even reading them. With all the choices out there, I can always find something to suit my mood. I wrote my novella, “Loving Or Nothing,” as a semi-sweet story because I wanted a break from writing love scenes, and some storylines cry out for sweet. The really heavy lovemaking in “Loving Or Nothing” happens behind closed doors. I enjoyed writing that story. It was refreshing. It finaled in a contest and has sold well, so I guess readers like it too. 

I read recently that sweet romances are making a comeback. Harlequin started a new line called Heartwarming that will publish romances very like their Love Inspired line but without the spirituality. I know Inspirational romances are as hot as erotic, but I don’t believe sweet romances in general are making a comeback. I think readers still want the hot stuff. But maybe I’m wrong. There are times I want to read a hot novel and times not so much. After writing my semi-sweet “Loving Or Nothing,” I was ready for some hot. I wrote “Storm of Desire,” my steamiest story yet. I loved writing that and I fell in love with hunky, sexy Aiden Rourke, my hero, and in my opinion, every woman’s dream--incredibly sexy, but loving and kind too. 

So now you know my romance tastes run the gamut from sweet to hot to sizzling. This inquiring mind wants to know--Do you read only one type romance exclusively--sweet, sexy, erotic? Or are your tastes more eclectic?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Interview With Author, Wendi Darlin

Today it's my pleasure to present an interview with erotica romance author and body builder, Wendi Darlin.
Where to find information about Wendi Darlin:  list websites, blogs, all links, etc.

Q:  What made you become an erotica romance author rather than writing some other

A:  It was completely accidental. I had written Cowboy Games as a sexy, but not really erotic, romance. I loved that book and really wanted to see it published. I submitted it to Siren Publishing. The publisher loved the story but she wanted me to heat up the sex scenes so it could be sold as an erotic romance. I did and officially became an erotic romance author without ever setting out to be. Cowboy Games is very mild on the erotic scale and four years later is still selling steadily. 

Q:  Is it tougher to write erotic romance scenes than other love scenes?

A:  I don’t think so, if you approach them the same way, but it is beyond the comfort zone of some writers and readers. Understandably so. Erotic scenes, in my opinion, should have the same emotion as any other love scene. It’s just a matter of added detail and word choice. In erotic romance you call a duck a duck and you don’t brush past it. But when it boils down to it, I’m still writing romance and that needs to come through in every scene no matter what words I use or how I describe what’s going on.

Q:  When did you start your writing career and how long did you write before getting

A:  I had my first novel published in 2008. I had a few short stories published prior to that. I’ve been writing since I was a little girl and then off and on as an adult, but in 2004 I decided to become an author. So it took a good four years and a couple of really badly written novels to learn the craft enough to reach my goal.  

Q:  How many books do you have published? 

A:  I have 12, a combination of novels and novellas.

Q:  Do you have a new one coming out?

A:  I’m currently working on a mainstream urban fantasy that I will be sending to my agent in the very near future. Hopefully, he will find a home for it soon.  

Q:  What is your latest title?  Tell us a bit about the story.

A:  My latest is All That Glitters. It’s a cowboy m/f/m ménage. The heroine is a Vegas Showgirl down on her luck who happens to break down in the right small Texas town. I really like the dynamics of the characters in this story. They are very different from one another, but I think the combination works well.

Q:  For just a moment we're going to switch gears.  I'm very curious of why you decided become a bodybuilder.

A:  Hahaha! I don’t really consider myself a bodybuilder, but I am competing in Figure competitions, which is a very feminine form of bodybuilding. In Figure, the emphasis is on body symmetry and proportion. Muscle definition is necessary, but Figure competitors don’t strive to have the large muscles that traditional female bodybuilders have. There are several ways women can compete in the bodybuilding arena depending on their personal preferences and natural build. Figure is just the option I chose. I decided to compete for a couple of reasons. Primarily it boils down to vanity and my ongoing battle with aging and gravity. I will do just about anything to cling to my youth. My personal trainer and some of my friends compete so I was introduced to competitions through them. My trainer convinced me I could improve my body and stay younger looking by building more muscle. The competition gives me short term goals and as an added bonus, it gives me the opportunity to put on a sparkly suit and pose for pretty pictures. Anybody who knows me knows I can’t pass up the opportunity to sparkle!

Q:  Do you plan to write a book using a bodybuilder as your heroine?  By the way, I think you look fantastic.

A:  Thank you.  I haven’t planned on it, but who knows. I do think I may write some non-fiction books on the subject or related subjects. Right now I’m focused on the urban fantasy series that I’m working on and I’m keeping my options open for future projects.

Q:  What is your favorite drink?

A:  I love Kim Crawford’s Sauvignon Blanc. Unfortunately, while I’m in competition training wine is not on my diet.

Q:  If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

A:  I have a list! My list is consumed by islands and beaches. I’d love to go to Fiji, Bora Bora, Antigua, any island I haven’t been to and all those I have. Nothing makes me feel more at peace than an ocean breeze and crashing waves. I travel as much as I can. Not all my destinations are tropical, but those are my favorite.

Q:  What is your favorite food?

A:  Chocolate. It’s the only food I ever crave beyond reason.

LOL  Don't we all, Wendi?  No need to answer that one.

Below is a cover and blurb for All That Glitters by Wendi Darlin.

All That Glitters
Texas 2
By: Wendi Darlin | Other books by Wendi Darlin
Categories: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Multiple Partners, Western/Cowboys
Word Count: 28,437
Published By: Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
[PolyAmour: Erotic Cowboy Multiple Partner Romance, M/F/M]
Former Vegas showgirl Dahlia Burke can’t get out of Texas fast enough. She’s winding her way through rural Wilder, Texas when she plows into Tanner and Scooter’s work truck. Dead broke and stranded, will Dahlia find more than one reason to stay--or two more reasons to leave?
Tanner Dawson barely escaped with his life when Dahlia plowed into his truck. And once he and his best friend, Scooter, take her under wing, he’s not sure if she’s planning to love him to death or finish him off.
Scooter Austin can’t tolerate gold diggers. When he finds out Dahlia is newly divorced from a man who has a revolving door of trophy wives, Scooter’s ready to send her out of Wilder with the toe of his boot.
How will these cowboys know if Dahlia has a heart of gold or just an eye for all that glitters?
A Siren Erotic Romance

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you so much for having me!! I’d like to invite everyone to friend me on Facebook. I stay pretty active on there, and I like to keep in touch with readers and other writers.

We have enjoyed having you, Wendi, and hope you'll come back to visit sometime. 

Submitted by Sandra K. Marshall

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