1. What is it about romance that keeps bringing you back to it?
LK: I'm a sucker for watching two people take a risk to lean on one another. You have to be brave to "fall" in love. You have to be willing to let down your guard and give someone else the power to hurt you, but trust them not to use it.
I love watching the two people learn they're stronger together. It's that unity that always brings me back. I like characters who risk it all for a chance at Happily Ever After.
Maybe I'm an adrenaline junkie! LOL
2. Describe your experience with Entangled compared to self pubbing?
LK: My experience with Entangled has been exciting so far. There is a rush, similar to what I described above, when you know there is a tribe behind you that believes in your book. With self-publishing you have all the editorial and cover art control, but you're also a one-man publishing army. It's tough to be the author, editor, cover artist, publicist and web tech who uploads the book to all the ePub sites. Shew!
There are advantages and drawbacks no matter which path you choose, but I do feel like I was adopted into a fabulous publishing family when Entangled contracted my Night Series. I'm really excited about the entire team and the amazing authors and books they've lined up.
3. I saw your new cover recently, it's amazing. How did you feel when you first caught a glimpse?
LK: The first time I saw my Night Walker cover it was while we were waiting for a pizza! LOL I checked my email on my phone and saw the attachment. It seemed like it took forever for my phone to download it and display it on my tiny screen! :)
I loved the cover instantly and the tagline brought tears to my eyes. They really nailed the heart of the book! To say I'm thrilled feels like an understatement!
Lisa, thank you for helping me share my debut blog post and for sharing the love. We'd love to hear from our guest. Speaking of romance, have you seen a movie lately that fits Lisa's description of Romance? I'm thinking of the love story between the two kids on Transformers. Lol. I know, lame, but it has all of the elements. Have a great day everyone.
Night Walker will be released August 5, 2011 from Entangled Publishing

Across the Veil is available now!

Princess Talia from Summerland has been hiding across the veil in the human world for the past five years.
Starring in a hit television show as human actress, Natalie Thurmont, her charmed new life is shattered when the past comes knocking on her door.
"Across the Veil" won Romance in the Backseat book review's Paranormal Fight Club short story contest.
Short Fiction (6,000 words)
Excerpt -
Across the Veil – By Lisa Kessler
Her stilettos clicked down the dark alley as she did her best to run. Freaking shoes. At least her fall would look real. Hitting her mark, her ankle turned and gravity did the rest. She hit the pavement hard, knocking the wind from her lungs. The only thing between her face and a bad case of road rash was a large scuffed black leather boot.
“Cut! Print!” The director bellowed. “Nice job Natalie. I could see the fear and uncertainty on your face. Really great work today.”
Dillon removed his boot from under her face and offered her a hand. “Are you all right? The fall looked like it hurt.”
Natalie dusted off her jeans and smiled up at him from under her lashes. “It’s supposed to look that way, remember? It’s called acting.”
“Well you did an amazing job.” He chuckled. “You always do. So you want to grab a beer?”
“Nah, I need some quiet me time in my trailer.”
“Suit yourself,” he said as he walked away. She watched him go. Dillon looked amazing in his not-too-loose-yet-not-too-tight jeans.
Enough gawking.
Natalie turned around and made her way upstream through the production team toward her trailer. They’d been in Arizona for nearly three weeks shooting the special two-hour season premiere movie, and tomorrow she’d be heading back to her home in Malibu. She was ready to get out of the desert heat and back to a more temperate California coast.
But the climate changed immediately when she opened her trailer door.
A tall man with silver eyes and long blond hair got up from her couch. She gasped and shook her head in disbelief. “Faldo? What are you doing here?”
He raised a brow and glanced around her cramped living space. “I would ask you the same question, Princess Talia.”
She shushed him and pulled the door closed behind her. “I’m Natalie Thurmont now. How did you get across the veil?”
The corner of his mouth twitched, as close to a smile as Faldo usually got. “Again, I might ask you the same question.”
Talia rolled her eyes. “Why are you here, Faldo?”
“I need you to locate someone for me.”
Her jaw dropped. “You’re kidding. Why would you think I would help you? You’re the reason I crossed the veil in the first place.”
His silver eyes narrowed, and he raised his chin. “You will help me, Princess, or your life in this world will end.”
“You’re in my house, threatening me?” She crossed her arms shaking her head. “Not in this world. No way.” She pointed to the door. “Get out, Faldo. Now.”
His lips curled into a smirk that made her feel like throwing up. “Your mother worries about you. I will be a hero for finding you and sending the Sentinel to bring you back home.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
He started to reach for the door. “I most certainly would.”
“Okay wait.” Talia raked her fingers back through her hair. “Why do you think I can find whoever you’re looking for? I’m an actress now, not a private detective.”
His jaw clenched. “Because the Fae I am looking for is Keth.”
Her arm dropped to her side, and the glamour that usually glowed around her face faded, graying her flawless complexion. “Keth is here?”
Faldo cleared his throat, his posture stiff. “Yes. He crossed the veil shortly after you vanished.”
Her foolish heart leapt in her chest. Maybe Keth had come searching for her. But the false hope dimmed quickly. She’d been on a hit television show for nearly five years now. Her face was plastered on billboards and buses. If he was looking for her, she wouldn’t have been hard to find.
“Why are you trying to find him?”
“When he left Summerland, he took something that didn’t belong to him. I need it back.”
“That’s vague,” she said with a snort. “How am I supposed to help you if I don’t know what I’m looking for?”
“It’s best that you don’t.” He slid his fingers into the pocket of his button-down shirt and withdrew a tiny orange gem. It caught the light as he placed it in the center of her outstretched hand. “Slip this into his pocket or his bag. I will be able to find him. Anywhere.”
She rolled it across her palm. The surface was smooth and the gem itself was nearly weight-less. Her eyes turned up to meet his. “It’s enchanted?”
“Just be sure the stone is placed in his keeping. I will handle the rest.”
“And my mother?”
“Will never know we have laid eyes on each other.”
She closed her fingers around the tiny stone. “I don’t want to do this.”
He reached over to lift her chin. “If you want to stay here with the humans, then you have no choice.” His smug expression was back in place. He bowed his head. “Farewell Princess Talia.”
Bio -
I've published short stories in print anthologies and magazines. My story, Immortal Beloved was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award and is currently a part of the Dead Souls anthology from Morrigan Books.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
My eBook short, Across the Veil, is now avilabhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifle in all eBook formats.
Across the Veil - Available now! http://amzn.to/e98xZohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gihttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giff
My Night Trilogy: Night Walker, Night Demon and Night Child. Will be released later this year from Entangled Publishing along with a novella, Night Thief!
You can find Lisa here:
Great interview just like a pro. Congrats on a very successful debut. Love the site.
Cool interview! I think I'm an adrenaline junkie too, LOL. So excited for you! :-)
What a great story about the first time you saw your cover. :)
Congrats on a great interview and the upcoming release.
Whew! I can't image all the work of self publishing! Congrats on both your releases! :)
Yay Lisa! You were bubbling over like champagne when you showed me your cover and no wonder!
Now I can't wait for the book!
Waving, Lisa. Thanks for the excerpt, and the great attitude. You are a truly wonderful example of how authors should be. Positive and bubbly and supportive. I've read your first book, and you writing reflects all of the above!
Happy Friday.
www.lindathomas-sundstrom .com
Hi Karen -
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!! :)
I'm glad you liked the site too! I spent lots of time re-vamping... Shew!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Rosalie!!! :)
I'm excited too!!! For both of us!!! LOL
2011 is going to be a big year!!!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Lisa :)
Hi Aubrie -
I love your pic playing the flute!!! Pretty! :)
Glad you enjoyed the interview... Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Lisa :)
Hi Sarah -
I really had no concept of how much work goes into putting a book out into the world! LOL (And Across teh Veil is only a short story!)
It definitely gave me an appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes at a publisher... :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Very cool! I can't wait for it to come out it looks amazing and I'm sure you an totally judge this book by it's cover ;) the cover is hot hot hot. Congrats!
Hi Linda! *waving*
Hee! Me? Bubbly like champagne? LOL I'm so lucky I get to share cool things with you!!! Thanks for being such a cool fun author Linda!!! You rock!!!
Can't wait for you to read Night Walker!!! SQUEE!
Lisa :)
Happy Friday Linda S.!!! :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!! :)
Can't tell you how cool it was to hear my book was in your Kindle!!! LOL I'm such a dork! :)
Glad you enjoyed Across the Veil, and I hope Night Walker will win your heart too!
Thanks for being such an amazing supportive friend!!! I'm lucky to know you!!!
Lisa :)
Hi Kaycee! *waving*
Isn't the Night Walker cover full of YUM??? :)
I think Calisto is extremely hot! I hope you will too...
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Lisa :)
Lisa! I'm so excited about your debut with Entangled. Looking forward to reading it!
Hi Chris! *waving*
We'll have to book swap because I can't wait to read your new series! LOL
Thanks for all your support along the way too!!!
Lisa :)
Lisa, that's a beautiful new book cover! Congratulations on your upcoming debut with Entangled.
Hi Kat -
SO glad you like the cover!!! :) I can't wait until August so you can meet Calisto...
THanks for stopping by and commenting!!!
Lisa :)
Love the excerpts,Lisa. I'll be reading my eyes out this weekend.
Hee! Thanks Desiree!!! :)
Glad you enjoyed the excerpt!!! Have a great holiday weekend reading...
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!!
Lisa :)
Awesome interview and the chapter tease left me hanging.. What do I want to bet that Dillon is really this other guy that Faldo is looking for? :o maybe.. I have to read it now ;)
Hi Chelsea! :)
Sorry for the cliffhanger, but excerpts are supposed to make you want to read it, right? LOL
I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! No spoilers from me... :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!!!
Wow. Great interview. Congrats on the new release too. I'll be sure to get my copy!
Hi Neecy -
I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!!!
Thanks for your interest in my books!!! I'll be sure to post a link to preorder as soon as I get it...
Great interview. Exerpts are the best and the worse. Like a tiny bit of chocolate, making you crave a great big chunk!! I'm off to add more to my TBR pile. I will never have enough time in the day to ever make a dent.
Great interview. Exerpts are the best and the worse. Like a tiny bit of chocolate, making you crave a great big chunk!! I'm off to add more to my TBR pile. I will never have enough time in the day to ever make a dent.
Ah, thanks everyone for coming out and sharing the love with Lisa! She's an uber cool chica, so be sure to stalk her on twitter. You never quite know what she'll say! Thanks Lisa!
Great interview, Lisa! I'm so proud of how far you have come since the early Gather days. You write so beautifully and I love your books. Go knock 'em dead this year! M:o)
Hi Toni!
Thanks for adding Across the Veil to your TBR pile!!! LOL It loves being in eReaders... :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!!
Lisa :)
Thanks for having me on the blog Rachel!!! :)
And you obviously do follow me and my sporadic twitter feed! LOL
This was fun... Thank again!
Lisa :)
Hi Minnette! *waving*
Thanks so much for the good wishes!!! :) It's been a long journey from our MySpace friends days... LOL
I hope you have an amazing year too!!!
And thanks for stopping by and commenting...
Lisa :)
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