Today it’s my pleasure to present an interview of multi-talented John Antorino. His career encompasses many avenues; personal trainer, nutrition consultant, bodybuilder, model, actor. His resume lists a variety of items to include television/film, commercials, magazines, catalogs, etc. Definitely a man of many talents!
Where to find information about John Antorino:!/pages/John-Antorino/111924588819474
Q: With all the directions you’ve taken in your career, is there one job you’ve thought about trying but haven’t attempted?
A: No not really. I am a go-getter. And do what I set my mind to and want to do. The next job for me I think will be, becoming a father. Will be my best job and best work yet too. From the heart. Hope not too mushy and too personal. I’m an open book and tell it like it is and what I feel. So….
Q: You are A.S.P.T. Phlebotomy certified, American Heart Association First Aid and CPR certified. Have you ever used these skills?
A: No. Just some things I got along the way while in the middle of my educational/college years. I wasn’t sure what I was really going to do back then. So I wanted to get as much experience, education, and as many certifications as I could. I enjoyed college and learning lots of different things. I’d like to go back to college now. Can I? Haha. I wish. Those were the days (Reminiscing).
Q: Did you use your BS in Psychology when you worked as a School Crisis Counselor? What did you do?
A: Yes I did. I worked with kids with behavioral problems. Most came from broken fatherless homes. Single-parent homes. Some lived with their Grandparents. Some lived in foster homes. It was a very tough, yet rewarding job for me. Definitely had to have thick skin and patience for that job. Constantly being called names, swung on, and threatened. I enjoyed it though. My real true passion in life is actually helping others. Always been this way too. Even as a young kid.
Q: Your childhood was tough, but you had a loving mother for support. How did you help her and your twin sister?
A: Sure was. My Mom did a great job though. The best she could. She worked 2 jobs daily to support us. I never forgot that and that time in my life. Never will.
I was forced to grow up fast and at a young age. I would always stick up for them. Men that would stare and make comments or whatever. I was so protective. Even as a little boy. I’d fight grown men. I am still so protective of the women in my life. Always will be.
Now that things are all good in my life I am blessed to be able to give back and do for my Mom now. I have taken her on several trips. One, was her dream trip to Italy a few years ago. We’ll go back sometime. She’s surely my best friend and #1 fan.
Q: You’ve been a cover/magazine model. Is preparing for each of these different?
Q: Tell us about appearing in Playgirl.
A: Ahhhhhh well they were after me for a long time before I finally agreed to do it. It wasn’t something I ever wanted to do or would consider doing. But time went by and they were persistent. Offered more money. I talked it over with my agent, and finally Mom. They said go do it. So….I did!
Q: Do you have a workout routine? What do you do?

Q: I understand you like cars and toys. What do you have?
A: Oh boy. Yes I sure do. I look at it this way. I am not married and have no kids yet. So. Until then I will buy my cars and toys. Right now I have a few cars. I used to have 4 cars. 2 on each coast. Right now I have a 2010 limited edition Nissan 350Z, 2010 limited edition Mitsubishi Endeavor, and a 2010 Dodge Charger Hemi. Those are the cars. I recently got rid of my Mercedes and my Range Rover. I have a motorcycle- Custom Honda CBR954rr. And my waverunner- Honda Aquatrax 1300.
Q: Have you worked internationally before?
A: Yes I have. Actually early in my career I was blessed to have landed work in Germany, Italy, And Paris. And since been working all over the world. Been to Italy many times. I’ve done underwear ads and clothing ads there. I have done many ads in Germany. Some of the other places I’ve worked are New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, London, Mexico, and Canada. To name a few.
Q: How did you become a romance book cover model?
A: I was always told I’d be perfect for book covers. That I’d be the ideal cover model. So, a photographer that shot them approached me. And here we are.
Q: You have a wonderful and long resume of your fabulous career. What will be added next to your list of accomplishments?
A: I am hoping soon to land a full-time role on a TV show. Or a larger movie role. As well as continue doing book covers and magazines.
Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: When you’re not working, traveling, or in the gym? I love to relax at home. Cook some nice meals. Watch a good movie. Do they still have those? Good movies. Haha. Man they make some really bad movies now. And TV. Don’t get me started on that. With all this silly reality TV junk. Sorry, rant. Watch some good sports. Go to games. Sit on the beach. Shop. Spend time with my family. Ride my motorcycle. Sleep. Eat.
Q: Favorite food?
A: Italian of course! Pizza. Meatballs. Etc…And Chinese food. Just wish I could eat these foods more often. I am usually on a strict diet.

Q: What would you consider to be the most romantic place in the world…just so we might get some travel ideas?

Anything else you’d like to add?
Would like to thank you for asking me to do this interview. Thank all my family friends and my fans for their love and support and keeping my career and me going all these years. It’s been some ride. To say the least. And all your friends that are authors. Put me on more covers. Hahaaaa…..All the best to everyone. God Bless- John Antorino
John’s fan page:!/pages/John-Antorino/111924588819474
Got to love a smart man who's easy on the eyes. Great interview and pictures!
John, it was great learning about you. Gotta love a man who loves his mom and is protective of her. That's always a good sign.
I'm so glad you mentioned St. Thomas as a romantic place. That's where I was born and raised! It's a beautiful island and there's so much to do there.
I wish you lots of success in your future endeavors, and keep up the good work in the gym. The results are very, very nice.
Hi John~
Hi Marianne~
I never tire reading your interviews, John. If anything, you motivate me to do more than sit and write.
Thank you, Marianne, for bringing John into the limelight!
John, you're my favorite kind of guy, a nice guy. I'm certainly going to like your fan page.
good for you. you seem just like the rest of us.... trying to make a living, be with the ones you love and just be happy. looks fade with age and health may be an issue someday but you always have the loyal people in your life. go bro.
This man is far from being like the rest of us...He is "ONE" and only one of a kind!! First and foremost an exceptional human being and an inspiration to all of us whose path he has crossed. You have worked so very hard to get where you are. Dream it Do it...that is what you are all about!! SUPERMAN in the greatest form.....Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Certainly a man of many talents. You are so deserving! Thank you for being my inspiration in finally fulfilling my own dreams. Proud to know you John Antorino! God Bless!
Yes John is great all around. In all ways. That is the truuth. VERY easy on the eyes too. And his eyes. WOW! To look into those everyday. Whoever gets him is a very very lucky woman. I tried before. But he wasnt ready for ONE woman back then. Anonymous, John is surely not just one of us, "rest of us". Not close to. Anonymous, if you are a 2 time divorcee good luck. You should probably check yourself and take a look at yourself. Free advice for you. And Anonymous, lastly this comment area is for kind words and compliments not jealous bash and slander Remember ip addresses can find who and where you are.
You certainly made it John.
Much Love!
I just have one word for John, AMAZING!!! Good people like John are very few and far between. Keep doing what you do John, you will always have and be everything you want out of your life. Your Mom did a wonderful job raising you to be the man that you are today. You wouldn't be the man you are today if it wasn't for the life you have had from day one. Hugs!!
John is one of the finest persons on this planet. Over the past several years I have written him asking his advice of some issues that I have to deal with. He has always answered promptly and has given me excellent advice. He has also consulted other doctors about my tinnitus in particular and I will be following the contacts very soon. My heart goes out to him and to his mother right now, as she is suffering from cancer and he is at home to assist her. There are not any sons who would do this. From my first correspondence several years ago, to now, he has projected good judgment and sound help. I feel honored and blessed to have had these contacts with him, and count it a privilege to say he is a friend. John, you are an extraordinary person. I sense you have a gracious heart and a compassionate spirit, and many people will be blessed by you. Thank you a million times over for all the help you have given to me. Dr. Wilmer VerMeer
Hi John,
You sound like a kind hearted man. I'm sending love and light to you and your Mother as I know what fighting breast cancer is all about. I enjoy reading about your good nature and wish for all good things to be sent your way.
I told my Daughter that I'd ask you if you had a wife and or serious girlfriend so that she can keep an eye out for you in NJ. Please let me know so I won't have to hear her ask me everyday. ha ha. I keep telling her to find a man who is good on the inside and not to worry about the outside. Beauty fades, hairlines recede and skin wrinkles but love, kindness, tolerance of others, empathy and forgiveness are forever. My Daughter seems to find men that try to fix her when she isn't broken and men who try to be controlling. Any advice on what to tell her?
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Dolores Danziger
Westfield, NJ
Wonderful interview, and that you for sharing about yourself and your life John. It wonderful that family is so important, and that your so close to your mother..*s*
Wishing you continued success in your career and for your own HEA one day...*S*
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