This year Hallmark had a new slogan – Valentine’s Day is a day to say I love us.
I really liked this slogan. I could relate to it. I think that’s why it stuck in my mind. I’d rather celebrate us than just him. Without a spouse or significant other there is no US.
If you don’t have that someone special to spend it, then celebrate with a friend or family.
I really liked this slogan. I could relate to it. I think that’s why it stuck in my mind. I’d rather celebrate us than just him. Without a spouse or significant other there is no US.
If you don’t have that someone special to spend it, then celebrate with a friend or family.
Every year I try to do something unique for him. Last year I tied little sayings to Lindt chocolates, so that every time he ate a piece he had a little reminder of me. :o) Goofy? Maybe, but I know it melted his heart.
Yesterday I ran out and bought him a heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie from the bakery. He loves the cookie pies. I bought a funny and a sentimental card, along with a few gift cards. I wish I could tell you I did something unique, but life has been hectic and Valentine’s Day was here before I had a chance to think about it.
How about you? Do you say I Love You in little ways?
Happy Valentine’s Day!
How sweet - loved your post, Amber. To me, it's the everyday expression of affection that matters most, not just candy and flowers on Valentine's Day.
I agree the "I love us" slogan is a nice one. We are transformed by love and each pairing is unique.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Its a great slogan. Valentine's Day is for everyone! We all deserve more love and sweet gestures in our lives.
I love the idea of tying little notes to chocolate kisses. I think I'll borrow your idea. My first note will read: "Please buy more chocolate kisses"!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
A clever, romantic idea. I like the new slogan too, soo much more appropriate in today's world..Jean
What a lovely post, Amber:)Love the slogan!
Thanks Ladies.
Kat, I should've thought of that idea. More chocolate. :)
I love the idea that there is an "us". Now I just have to find the other half of "us". LOL!
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