Name: Dani DaMmit
Occupation: World Traveler and Adventurer
Last Known Address: He could be anywhere!
Known associates: Sona Fabitch
Description: Chameleon – he has many disguises and can change appearance as it suits him.
Always alone but never lonely, Dani travels the world in search of adventure. He is a scholar and a gentleman, a rogue, a mercenary, and a gambler. He has the strength to scale mountains and forge flooded rivers, but he has a gentle side as well and has been known to comfort many a frightened damsel, sometimes all night long. He has taken many a beating, but he always picks himself and comes back for more.
Dani always finds trouble, and this time, trouble has him on the run. His latest escapade has put him in the cross-hairs of a dangerous cartel. MARA member Gretchen Jones has him in her sights.
Hiding in plain site on a Mexican beach, he has been discovered and is on the run again. MARA member Fran Abram found him under the palm trees of Cancun.

Who knows where he’ll turn up on his journey – from New York to Paris to Pisa. MARA member Barb Herrin spotted him near the Leaning Tower, just before the carabinieri caught up with him.
One thing’s for certain, Dani DaMmit and his pal Sona Fabitch are headed for Orlando. Be sure to look for them at the RWA National Convention. They’ll be putting in an appearance at the Mid-America Romance Author’s booth at Midnight Madness, 29 July. That is, if they can stay one step ahead of their pursuers. Follow their journey at on 23 July!
To learn more about Dammit Doll's early beginnings and SUPER writing career, visit:
Haha, very cute. I have a friend who just started something similar to this with a bunch of her penpals. She'll be sending the doll around the world. If I remember correctly there's 30 people, 13 in the US and the rest are scattered around the world. I'll definitely be checking back on the dolls.
Those damnit dolls get around. I hope there are some left when you get back from conference.
You have to love those rogue adventurer's. What a doll!
So, you mean I can have one of these for my own? So I can grab it by its legs and whack it on the table yelling DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT?
I have to agree with Gretchen. Can I get one, too. Sounds like a great stress reliever. I think he's traveled more than me in the last year ;-)
I happen to have seen a passel of these darling dammit dolls all packed and headed for Orlando, and I must say, there are some lookers in the bunch! I can't wait to pick one out for myself at the MARA booth at Moonlight and Madness.
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