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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

This what I've been doing by Janice Seagraves

 So...this is what I've been doing instead of writing.

And it gets worse...Here's another one.

And I'm not done yet.

Then of course I had to make a banner. I made all these on

It all started when I took a photo of myself to try out on some new apps.

I took a photo in my bathroom because it had room.
Then I removed the background with
That was so I could try out the new

And then I finished with the

Monday, July 18, 2022

Pep Talk: You Can Write

 Many people speak of writing a novel but few sit down and do it. Writing a novel isn’t easy. Though you don’t have to bleed like Hemingway said but at times, writing does feel that way. 

But we all hit the point when we hit a bump in the road and need the motivation to keep writing until the end. So, how does one keep motivated? 

Here is a list of possible motivations:

  1. Set a deadline

This one can work because you have to finish by that date. Tell your friends and family. Circle the deadline on your calendar. Write it on sticky notes and set them everywhere you can see them. Set an alarm on your phone. 

  For me, this one doesn’t work unless I’m on deadline with my publisher. If I’m not signed with a publisher,  I tell myself that I can push it back. Bad I know. After all, who is going to yell at me? But for some, this method can work.

2. Set a goal to reach a word or page count: 

If you are in a writers’ group, you might have BIAW (Book In A Week). This can work well because you are sharing your goal and seeing others accomplish theirs, which can be an incentive to get your butt in the chair. 

3. Just write: 

Don’t think. Just write. Don’t edit any words. And if you find yourself thinking your writing sucks, remember it’s just a draft.

4. Make a playlist:

Make a playlist of songs to capture the tone and feel of your novel. Listen to it on repeat. This works for me because when I hear a song from the playlist, my mind already starts working on the novel, constructing sentences, dialogue and scenes, and all other else. 

5. Don’t compare your WIP (Work-in-Progress) with a published novel: 

Don’t even do that. You will only think your writing sucks, your characters suck, your plot sucks…you get the idea. Remember a published novel has been through two drafts then edited and then edited then edited. 

Remember, you will have good days writing when the words flow like Niagara Falls and then days when you can barely get a word set on paper. That’s okay. Just sit down and write a sentence. Maybe more words will come or maybe not. Just do it again tomorrow.   

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