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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Just Another Day of The Year

A time existed when a day was nothing more than a Monday, Thursday, Sunday, or the others in between. People either Thank God, it's Friday or had the Monday Morning Blues Then there are the holidays. Christmas, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, or Valentine’s Day. Look at the calendar and it will pronounce that it is May 18th.

Just another Tuesday, right? 


Today is the National Day of…well, a few events. 

It is the:

National HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

National Visit Your Relatives Day (Don’t do this unless vaccinated, please)

National No Dirty Dishes Day

National Cheese Soufflé Day 

I Love Resses Day (the candy and I do love Resse’s Peanut Butter Cups) 

Mother Whistler Day

International Museum Day

Send an Electronic Greeting Card Day

All that in one day. Whew! 

Who are the people who decide this? Is it businesses and corporations? Is there a secret ballot? Someone tweeted the idea? I have no clue about those questions. I don’t care. These days are just a little fun with the days. We can use something to make us laugh, expose us to something new or just share a silly tidbit with a loved one. For me, it is my monthly blog-date here at RB4US and maybe, it’s just Tuesday for you or you wish to celebrate this with one of the National days. 

Just one more question:

Isn’t every day no dirty dishes day? 


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