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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Windswept Shores Book One and Two by Janice Seagraves

This is my first published book.

I used to imagine what it would be like to live on a deserted island. How would I survive? This is a product of those daydreams.

I originally won a contest for a book cover and a contract to have my book published. I felt wonderful. Like I was finally getting somewhere with my writing. Getting that first contract is the greatest feeling in the world.

The ending of this book was inspired by my comments to a friend that modern pirates aren't romantic or sexy and are probably mean, dirty, and nasty.

Windswept Shores (Book One)

Blurb: The sole survivor of a plane crash, Megan is alone on a deserted island in the Bahamas. Then she finds a nearly-drowned man. Another survivor, this time from a boat wreck.
With only meager survival skills between them, will they survive these windswept shores and can they find love?



Two years later I published the second and last book in this series. We find out if my couple ever makes it off the island, and met some of Megan's and then Seth's family.

I had a problem writing the second book. I didn't have writer block then...It kept disappearing off my harddrive.

Just ~poof~ vanished.

My sweet husband bought me an external hard drive to keep this from happening again. I wish I could say that worked ... but I ended up rewriting this same book at least one more time with a total of three times from scratch.

Thankfully I have a good memory.

It's published now so that shouldn't happen again. *fingers crossed*

Windswept Shores Two

Blurb: Megan and Seth are finally rescued off their little island, but things are far from idyllic. Seth is arrested for murder, and Megan is ordered to return home to her philandering husband who is somehow still alive. Will they ever get back together again or see the life they envisioned?



Thursday, June 18, 2020

Unsocial Media

Since the world has been turned upside down, I have found myself even less interested in social media than I was before. When I joined Facebook years ago to keep in contact with my long distant friends and family then I joined the rest for the author side of my life. I really don't wish to be a part of social media. Partly because I'm an introvert and secondly, because I live a very boring life and no one wants to hear how I'm watching another repeat of Family Guy for the hundredth time.

But with all that is happening in the world, I am even less interested. I check to keep update with family that I miss especially my niece and nephew who because of the New York City lockdown I don't get to see as often as I wish.

I find that social media just add stress in my life and I don't want or need any right now. No doubt, you all must feel the same. I don't know how to find the balance between social media for my work and my personality. It's funny because most everyone I know just loves posting pictures, talking about their lives. I'm an introvert surrounded by extroverts. And that makes me feel odd and as if I am doing something that is wrong.

The pressures of the outside world can batter us down and have us questioning everything we do. I tell myself that I should be this or that. But I need to stop listening to that chatter and follow my drum beat and if I wish all of you do the same. You know what you need and don't need in your life so follow it because it makes us better. And right now in this world, we need better. We need to do better and be better.

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