We've all heard "Write what you know" many times...but how often do we stretch our imaginations to delve into unknown areas? Surely, those who write paranormal and fantasies do just that.
I have to admit, I don't always follow that rule. My life might seem too boring to put on paper and turn into a page-turning romance book. I taught school. Raised kids. Play bridge. Bowl. Everyday stuff lots of people do.
Do I write about historical figures or wealthy world travelers? No. I'm not a history expert and certainly not wealthy. Travel? I've taken a cruise, been to Canada and Mexico, and visited lots of states here in the USA. But, can't say I've been to intriguing spots of the rich and famous?
Does the Grand Canyon count?
My first book, "Second Sight Dating", is definitely pure fiction. I never used a dating service. But, I know two couples who did and got married. Am I psychic? No, but that didn't stop me from making my heroine one. I have no background in detective work (unless you count the endless detective TV shows I watch), but I did ask a former police officer a few questions.
I guess I kinda wrote what I knew. Hmm.
My second book, "Street of Dreams", is a paranormal. This time, I could make up stuff and not have to have real background for it. But, I did have some knowledge of the time setting since I sent my H/H back to 1965...a time I remember. And, I sent them to a specific place and time that I could relate to and had knowledge of.
I guess I kinda wrote what I knew. Hmm.
My third book, "Gone to the Dogs", I wrote in first person. Yep, I have a Corgi and put him in the book. Wrote things in the book about the Wizard of Oz and Kansas...where I live. But the advertising business...I kinda threw in things I remembered from TV shows again.
I guess I kinda wrote what I knew. Hmm.
Now the next two books are erotic romances. I think I'll end this blog here, and not give away information about "writing what I know" for those. Although, I do play cards and my husband was in the military...like my book "Strip Poker for Two".
Then there's my newest release, "Sexy Games"...and it's time for me to stop!
So...do you write what you know? Enjoy reading books and wonder if the author is doing just that?
"Sexy Games", by April Ash, is now available from Ellora's Cave: