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Friday, January 9, 2009

Are You Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions?

Every January 1st., lots of people begin with making New Year Resolutions they hope to accomplish throughout the year. How many succeed? How many fail?

Mine always seemed to have to do with losing weight. Where and when did the pounds attach themselves to my hips? Was it just "holiday eating"?

I asked my newsletter fans to tell me about their resolutions. Here are some of them:
Lose weight
Get healthy
Clean closets and house clutter
Reading more and reading books other than romance
Keeping in touch with family
Quit smoking
Exercise more

See yourself among my fans and recognize a resolution as one of yours?

Why don't we follow through? Lack of interest, other things detour us, too stressed?

I'd hoped to make 2009 a healthier one and for once didn't resolve to lose weight...since I'd lost so much after my surgery. But, I never made it through New Year's Day without complications from my previous surgery appearing. So, I'm back to step one, facing more hospital visits and surgeries.

Regardless, I'm determined to finish editing a book I wrote and send it to my editor. I'm already planning on having my laptop at the hospital (if allowed) and working!

GOOD NEWS!! "Strip Poker For Two", by April Ash, will soon be available in paperback!

May You have a Wonderful New Year and accomplish your goals!


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