Thursday, January 18, 2024

Keeping It Straight

If you share one bad habit with me, it may be that you always forget some chores or tasks that need to be done. I always remember that elusive thing at some odd hour when I can do nothing to accomplish it. That's why I have a to-do list. 

Besides, helping me see everything I need to accomplish from the mundane to the trĂ©s important. In some ways, it is also a timeline of my life. And timelines are important especially when you're an author. You have deadlines, marketing plans, and social media posts among the other dozen things needing to be done. 

Timelines are also important in a novel. Recently, I started developmental edits for my historical Scottish romance and had to get the dates precise since some events in the manuscript center around historical events. Organizing those dates and that of my hero and heroine's budding romance has to happen at a set time since it's a slow-burn romance. 

Some authors use Post-its but since I live in a cramped Big Apple apartment, such a luxury isn't possible so I pull out a pile of loose-leaf paper and jot the main events of the story with enough space in between to add other events. I spent almost two days concocting the timeline. 

Now as I sit down to do my edits, my writing seems more organized, my mind less frenzied and confused (which benefits readers) and I'm not stressed. 

So, now, with that thick pile of paper, I know my story will flow logically and every event will fit into the time slot necessary. 

Do you plan out your day or week? Or do you possess the skill to get things done without it? 

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