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Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Thing You do.

I must admit that I am a little obsessed with authors writing routines. Like Julia Quinn edits each scene before moving on to writing the next scene. Sarah MacLean takes four to six months to write a hundred pages. 

At the beginning of my writing career, I had this obsession because I was searching for my writing process. But that wasn’t my only reason, I wanted to feel that I was a true author (whatever that means? I still haven't figured it out) and not someone with a foolish dream, so I sought out confirmation that I was doing “it” right. 

Then one day, I reminded myself that I had never followed the crowd. Not that I’m so very odd or different but I just wanted to be me. So, why does my obsession continue? 

I’m looking for growth. Isn’t that what we all seek out? Whether you are an author or reader, we look to explore deeper, to expand. I believe that we are all ambitious. I don’t mean that we all want to be CEOs, but we all want those dreams for our lives to become our realities. 

So, how does this relate to my obsession? Because all of that is about doing the work. That work will be different for each of us and most likely, we will share the ways in which we accomplish it. 

So, I decided to do it my way (or Frank Sinatra style). Which in case, you are wondering. I create my characters including everything about them but with enough room to grow as I write. Then I outline major plot points then outline individual scenes to the point I get stuck. So, I write and that leads me to where I need to go to get to the ending. Then revisions. Revisions. Revisions. But that’s another tale. 

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