Monday, July 9, 2018

Beach and Water Fun #summer #RB4U

Summer Beach Fun

Hello and welcome back to another monthly visit from me. Today, I'd like to share with you some of my favorite beachy memories. After all, what is a better way to beat the heat than in WATER!

Growing up, my family always had a pool. The summer months were spent from sun up until sun down in the water. We'd have swimming parties, inviting all our classmates over and play games of Marco/Polo and brought our dolls and Barbies into the water. 

As we got older, the pools got bigger, from small one foot plastic tubs to in-ground pools with diving boards. There was once this time when Rob came over to swim and was hanging off the diving board when it broke! Luckily, no one was hurt but it's a story we still tell over and over again. 

When I got married, I became exposed to a new favorite past time...beaches! My husband's family were beach bums who spent weeks in South Carolina on the sand, fishing and swimming. My honeymoon was spent with them that first year. But soon, we were back year after year, exposing our children to the fun of summer sunshine and sand. 

While it wasn't a pool--there were fish swimming in the water with me and getting the salt in your mouth, Yuck! We had the best times. To my delight, we also had a pool at the resort so we divided our time between both water delights. The beach in the morning and after dark and the pool in between! My children learned to swim and dive during those trips. I'm pretty proud of the fact, I've instilled a love of water in my children.

Water is in my blood-more than literally. 

In fact, I set a book I wrote in South Carolina at the very beach we loved. It's a part of the Wilder Sister's Series and is a f/f story of finding love on vacation. 

I've also tied in a beach wedding into One Night in Laguna.

What are your favorite memories of summer fun? Are you a beach bum or pool rat?

Until Next Month!

Melissa Keir


  1. Hi Melissa,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences! My beach experiences were centered around family camping trips and I spent many hours on rocky beaches reading and enjoying the sun. Fun memories:)

  2. Thanks Paris. I think any time we spend with family and water is memorable!

  3. Hi, Melissa! We went to the beach often when I was a kid and loved nothing better than scooping up sea shells. I swam at a pool and later became a lifeguard at that pool. Then in my twenties, I hung at the apartment pool. The boys went to the YMCA especially for swimming lessons. And finally, Handsome had to have a pool when we moved to the house we're in now.

  4. I'm jealous Vicki. When can I come over to swim? :) Your comment reminded me of the YMCA swimming classes my mom took me and my sisters to. I loved it.

  5. We only had a mud pond to swim in. It was really large, but the water was very muddy. At one time they had a roller coaster that would soar into the water, but by the time I was old enough to want to ride it, it was shut down due to safety issues. So I always requested to be dropped off at the nearby lake where I could fish instead.

  6. I live at the beach now--steps from the Gulf of Mexico. But from childhood summers on a lake in New Hampshire to my backyard pool to splashing in the cold Penobscot Bay, summers have become my favorite (I used to love the fall best and going back to school). Now I watch my 3 year old granddaughter frolic in the waves and sigh happily.
