Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Today's #Interview #Guest Christine Donovan @cmdonovan #mysticrealms #RB4U

Welcome to Romance Books 4 Us, a place for all romance and all genres. We’re very happy to have you here with us today. First, tell us a little bit about yourself…

I grew up in Massachusetts in a small suburb south of Boston with my parents and four siblings. I always wanted to be a fashion buyer and envisioned my life travelling back and forth between New York, Milan and Paris. Somehow that didn’t happen. Although I did work for several years at a dance boutique and was the buyer and manager. I loved it.  My husband and I raised four sons ranging in age from 20 to 31. Busy, chaotic times in our house when they were growing up. If you have a question about any male dominated sport, I’m your gal. I began writing fifteen years ago and have never looked back.

What kind of research do you do for a novel and how extensive do you get? When it comes to research, it depends on the genre of the book about how extensive I get. When I write an historical, I have several binders with information ready on hand. Maps of London, England and street maps from the Regency Era. I have a binder on fashion alone and one on the aristocracy of England, and frequently used language, etc. For a contemporary it’s easier as it is current day. The research narrows down to location, someone’s occupation, etc. For a paranormal, I’m world building and creating some of my own research. One of my series incorporates fairies who receive their powers from crystals. I spent and still spend countless hours studying different types of crystals and learning their healing properties.

Do real life events find their way into your stories? Always. But I’m not telling where.

Do you ever mimic family members or people you know when you choose characters? Once again, always. Whenever there is a kid in my books, they always seem to do some of the funny or crazy things my boys did. My brother was talking about a recent hiking trip at the table on Easter, and we were in tears laughing. You can be sure I’m using it at some point.

Do you have a special place you like to do your writing? Such as an office, a spare room, the dining room table, your couch? When my oldest son moved out I turned his room into my office. I thought, finally my own space to create. Well, I still do most of my writing at the kitchen table or out on the deck during the nice weather.

What is your favorite method of in laptop, desktop, iPad or the old-fashioned pencil and paper?  And do you plot out your story or go with the flow of your muse? I like to write on an Alphasmart. Old school, I know, but it works for me. Very light, no internet, so no distractions because I’m a pantser and it doesn’t take much to get me off task.

When you need a break or some time off from the trials of being a writer, what can you be found doing? I work two days a week at an optometrist’s office. I do that so I leave the house once in a while. Otherwise I read, paint and love DIY projects. I spend as much time as I can at our family beach house on Cape Cod.

Share your favorites:
Favorite color – Blue
Favorite dessert/snack – Ice cream
Favorite Season – Autumn
Favorite Romantic movie – Dirty Dancing
Favorite way to relax – Walk on the beach

What is your ideal romantic vacation? I’ve never been, but I believe Hawaii would be romantic. (hint to hubby)

Where can our readers find you?  


Is there an upcoming or current release you would like to share with us today and where can we find it?

Part of the MYSTIC REALMS boxed set

Troy, one of the first werewolves ever created, amassed many enemies during his time on earth. Although he’s dead, his adversaries still seek their revenge by hunting his surviving descendants. 
Unbeknownst to her, Kate Stewart is a direct descendent of Troy’s. She is attacked one night by a wolf who converses mind-to-mind with her. Another wolf comes to her rescue. This encounter throws her into a world where ordinary people mix with preternatural beings.
Ethan Brown, leader of the Saviors of the Night Clan is visited by Troy during sleep and given the task of keeping Kate safe and initiating her into his world. He’s also shocked to learn Kate is his mate. The assignment given him won’t be easy as Kate lives in a world where only humans exist. Or at least she thinks only humans exist.
Can the physical and emotional connection between Ethan and Kate be enough for her to accept her future and allow Ethan to change her and turn her into one of the creatures she fears most.

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  1. Hi, thanks for having me here today. I really appreciate it. Your blog is awesome! Christine

  2. Hey, Christine! What a great boxed set this is!

  3. Greet to learn more about you...much lock with the beautiful boxed set....
