Ok, so today is one of those days for me :)
I think I'm so dreading the Michigan Winter that I block
out the beginning of a new month, in turn making me miss
my blog day and for that I apologize!
So, today i'd like to discuss a necessary evil to every author....
We all know that promotion is a must to get our babies out
to the world and seen by all those great readers.
But what is the best avenue to take ?
I do own a promotion company for any that didn't know but I kind of put it
aside to focus more on my own writing. Between now and June i'll be in 6 more boxed sets. Thrilled about that but I am in the process of picking up the author promo again. I would like to hear from other authors that have been out in the publishing world longer than I, the
kinds of things they think actually work right now and what they are looking for.
For a while, book tours seemed to be the ticket but now maybe not so much? Paid ads surely get the word out, but which ones are worth the money? If you are a starving author, sometimes
those ads are financially out of reach. More and more i'm hearing publishers are not providing
tours and such for their new releases either.
I've hooked my author self up with Triberr and
CoPromote to get a larger sharing market.
I do like being a part of Facebook tours for the chance to
meet new people, authors and readers.
My blogs are open as well for other authors at any time.
(I have 4 and my daughter has a YA one)
I try to take advantage of anyone offering blog space as well.
Do you have any tips of the trade you'd like to share?
Thanks much and happy December !
It's hard Krista because things are always changing. Right now, only certain types of tours are working (the ones which help spread the word). I also find that some of the paid promotions are requiring too many reviews which are hard to get in themselves. I hope you find what you are looking for and can report back to us!