Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Best Party Ever by Suz deMello

I'm a lucky person. People have remarked upon that regularly and I believe it. I was fortunate to be born into a middle-class, well-educated family full of creative, smart people and lots of fun times.

Sure, I encountered my share of lumps and bumps on the road of life, but for me, things have a way of working out.

And I've attended and thrown a lot of great parties. Unfortunately, due to my incredible age (ask me about the Inquisition!!) we didn't have picture-taking cell phones at most of them, and in quite a few, we were too ripped to find a camera, let alone take a picture.

And even now--few pix exist of our parties. See "too ripped", above. If I can remember to take a picture at a party, that means I'm not having enough fun. I'm not sufficiently engaged in the moment. And if I can find my phone--well, that shows that something's wrong).

But here's a couple of party pix:

This was in Matera, at the Women's Fiction Festival in,
I think, 2008. They throw the BEST parties! I'm in the middle.

My grand-niece's birthday party in 2014.
Someone actually had the presence of mind to
take a group photo! Wow. I'm in the front on the right.

But my best party ever was my 60th birthday party. (See, I told you I was old). At my request, it was a slumber party at my brother's home, a place perfectly suited to partying, especially a slumber party. Two rooms with huge sectional couches and great TVs. Extra bedrooms. Big kitchen where everyone congregates to drink my sister-in-law's infamous Evil Pink Brew--a lethal mixture of vodka, lemonade and Grenadine, meant to imitate Cosmos but on a grand and sloppy scale, and the EPB will make you grandly sloppy if you're not careful. I've learned to cut mine with plenty of 7-up.

Potter movies were playing on a continuous loop in one room, while something I can't remember was playing in the other (See, I told you it was a great party). Friends new and old, young and older came. It was great.

And no--no pix. Everyone was having too much fun.


  1. Haha. I love the idea of people having too much fun to bother taking pictures. (Of course I hate having my picture taken, so it works for me.) I am truly grateful that I was young when cameras were not ubiquitous!

    1. Thanks, Carly--i feel the same way about my youthful mIsadventures.

  2. We do the slumber party on Christmas Eve with old Godzilla movies. Not too many pictures though, everyone is too busy talking, eating and reciting the dialogue they know by heart. Great photos, btw! You know how to party:)

    1. How extremely fun! Great Christmas tradition. Relaxing for everyone, too. The holidays can be so stressful.

  3. Slumber parties are great - you're never too old for them. :)

  4. Welcome, Suz! I love your pictures. A slumber party for your 60th! What a terrific idea.

  5. A slumber party on your 60th! Wish I'd thought of that for mine:-) I'll remember that for my next BDay celebration, though. Welcome aboard the RB4U blogging boat, Suz!

    1. Thanks, Polly. It's never too late to have a great time!

  6. what a delightful way to get to know the newest member of the ROmancebooks4us family. Welcome, Suz. FUn post.


  7. What a fun family party for your niece, Suz. Welcome aboard the RB4U authors.

    1. u have no idea how much fun...there was a pinata!!! Though a pinata with the evil pink brew can be a dangerous combination.

  8. Great post... so glad you joined our group.

  9. Welcome to our family. Don't you just love a fabulous party! And you are so right, if there are photos, you can't be enjoying yourself enough!

  10. Welcome, Suz! Reading your blog post put a smile on my face. You'll love it here.

  11. Welcome!!!! I haven't had a slumber party in like forever.

    Marika Weber

  12. Thanks, Cris. Though I'd like to think I'm far more fun in person. What good is a virtual cocktail?
