Sunday, September 13, 2015

Firemen are HOT!

This week, my latest story, Where there’s Smoke, opened for pre-orders at most major e-tailers, as part of the boxed set, Into the Flames. With seven stories about smoking-hot firemen, by seven incredible authors, (well, six plus me.) it’s already climbing the lists at Amazon and All Romance e-Books.
Here's some Fun Facts about the 1920s and Where there's Smoke
  1. Where there’s Smoke was Cindy Spencer Pape’s first book set in the 1920s, but it won’t be the last!
  2. The town of Carstairs, Michigan, in Where there’s Smoke, is fictional, but it is based on numerous beach towns along the Lake Michigan shoreline.
  3. The Michigan side of the Lake Michigan coast has beautiful beaches and has long been a popular location of summer homes for Chicago’s wealthy.
  4. In the 1920’s only the major cities had paid fire departments. That’s why Eli, in Where there’s Smoke, is a volunteer fireman, rather than a professional.
  5. Not every girl in the 1920’s bobbed her hair. It was considered a little racy. Since Nettie is an old-fashioned girl in many ways, she’s chosen to keep hers long, which means she still wears it up every day.
  6. Nettie wasn’t an uncommon name for a young woman in 1926. I chose it because both my mother and my father, who lived in two different countries, each had an aunt named Nettie, (one short for Arnetta, one for Annetta) both of whom came of age in the 20s.
  7. During Prohibition it was quite common to have a doctor prescribe alcohol for medicinal purposes. An unethical physician and an unethical pharmacist in cahoots with a supplier, could easily keep the local drunks lubricated.
  8. Much of today’s firefighting equipment has its origins in the 20s. The pump and ladder truck was a new innovation, as were heavy leather helmets and the concept of chemical extinguishers. Fire hydrants weren’t around yet, except in the largest cities, so chemicals were used unless a large water supply was at hand.
  9. This was the first time since the Georgian era, where women can openly wear makeup. Lipstick and mascara and eyeliner headed the list. Max Factor and Elizabeth Arden were among the first major brands. Deodorant had been invented but wasn’t available in the stores yet, so ladies used scented dusting powder to absorb any “glow”.
  10. Big cities had newsstands where people picked up any newspaper that wasn’t delivered to their doorstep, particularly those from out of town. In smaller communities, the local bookstore often did double-duty. Eli chooses not to get his local paper delivered because it gives him an excuse to see Nettie every day.
You can order your copy at:



  1. I've ordered my copy. Your story sounds great, Cindy. It's a unique time we don't read much about.

  2. I love the twenties and can't wait to read your story! I'm going to order my copy now!

  3. Thanks very much to all of you. It was a really interesting period to research and write about.

  4. What an interesting time period. I think about how it would have been for my grandparents. Grandpa used to sing to Grandma when they were older but it started with him doing it with his friends when they would date. Radio's were hard to come by in some homes (and no TV sets) so they would sing to entertain each other. I'm sure that women of that time faced a lot of conflict with their families as they tried to remain true to the past but also excited about the future.

    Good luck with the set.

  5. Wow! The 20's aren't that far back ... look at the advances we've made especially when it comes to firefighting. What a great list! (And I'm excited to be part of this anthology with you, Cindy! Go us!)
