Sunday, August 9, 2015

Dear Diary.....Reflections on Life #Musings #RB4U

Dear Diary... Reflections on Life

Hello I'm Melissa Keir and welcome to day of the month where I get to be witty and hopefully give you something to think about. August is my birthday month and also the time when most children go back to school. For me, it's also been a time of reflection. At Romance Books 4 U, we are talking about diaries. I didn't really have one since I had four nosy sisters who loved to read and share my secrets, but I did use my computer as a diary...sharing my fears, pain, and silly moments. 

Since August is about Diary and reflection... Here's my question to you.....

Sometimes the words can inspire you to step outside the box, enjoy life, savor things around you and give into those moments of quirky happiness.

 The words can pick you up when you are feeling down or make you pause and think about what's going on around you. We are not here alone and one word, smile, or gesture can go a long way!


Sometimes the words can remind us not to worry about what others said (even what we ourselves say in our head about our weight, nose, figure, brains...). We are so much harder on ourselves....

.....And others are just so jealous that they use words to strike out and in hurting others, they can make themselves feel better. Just remember that when you look back on those days and the words, feelings, memories.... 
You were so much more than the size of your clothes, being a cheerleader/band kid.... You are the product of all the pieces... the good... the bad... the silly... the weird... the smarts... the athleti

Thank you for sharing your insights today...I'd be hard-pressed to say it in only two words....So here's some leeway if you can't say it in only two words. Just share what you'd tell yourself....

Mine..... I'm happy with me and my life. (and that's what matters) :)

Musings of a Madcap Melissa Keir
It's not a romance novel but does feature your own happily ever after if you will only reach for it!!

One woman’s musings become another woman’s courage…

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you worry about the person you’ve become? Sitting down at the computer, Melissa spent many hours reflecting on her life, family, and relationships. These musings, recipes, and poems tell the tale of one woman's changing thoughts and feelings about life. 

Come along with her as she explores her reflections, using her words which mirror her changes.

Birthdays….the word conjures up memories of balloons, cake and pin the tail on the donkey (weren’t those games always lame?). As a child, birthdays were second in importance of holidays. Only Christmas was more important. You would agonize over which friends to invite and what to put on your wish list.

Parents plan for these parties like a general planning for war. Each party needs to be different and better than last years (or the little girl’s down the street). I remember the year my daughter wanted a pool party. Her birthday is in May—not exactly pool weather in Michigan! So we rented two rooms at a local hotel and had our party there to my daughter’s delight and her friend’s envy!

As you get older, birthdays change. You dream of breakfast in bed, your favorite dinner (in a restaurant- not cooking it yourself!), and the PERFECT gift. Quickly this fantasy fades. Reality sets in and birthday just becomes another day. You still have laundry to do and bills to pay. It only takes one or two years to understand that birthdays are very different now that you are an adult and certainly as a mom. My first birthday after getting married was a shocker. Not only my husband forgot but my family did too! Only after listening to my crying for hours, did my husband pull a frozen pie out of the freezer, put candles on it, and sing happy birthday.

Some adults fear and dread their coming birthdays because they mark another year closer to old age and death. They fight getting older. Just go to the make-up isle of any store to see that. The cosmetics industry makes tons of money off that fear. I remember that my mom never would admit her true age. She would tell everyone (each and every year) that this was her 25th birthday. We weren’t quite that gullible. We would tease her about WHICH 25th birthday this one was.

Available in Print and ebook: Amazon


  1. Two words to younger self: start sooner. I wish I'd started writing sooner. But maybe I just wasn't ready.

  2. Diane, those are words many of us wish we'd taken. I don't know that the publishing industry was ready for me then! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Melissa! I'd always wanted a sister. :)

    Two words, huh? Right now it would be - Marry rich!

  4. Very thoughtful post, Melissa - and quite timely. :) My advice to a younger me is one you posted: Don't Rush. Tough to do when you're young and bulletproof. Now that I'm older and carry the scars of battle, being impatient simply isn't worth the price.
    Oh...and Happy Birthday, doll! ;)

  5. Hi Melissa,

    I think if I could only use two words I would tell my younger self to just "be yourself". I think as children we sometimes worry a little too much about what is expected of us rather than what we expect of ourselves. I think women, especially from a young age, are charged with creating the illusion that we are happy with whatever we get out of life and shouldn't expect more. That illusion could be challenged very simply by being ourselves and not worry about what anyone else expects.

    We share a birthday month, so Happy Birthday!

  6. Thank you Tina. My birthday is this coming Friday. I wrote the piece on birthdays when my daughter had a birthday. It was interesting to see how we all perceive them.

    Lynda- I agree about not rushing. I was in such a hurry to grow up. I jumped into things without looking and while I also carry those scars...aren't they what make us who we are today? I think about how one change (one ripple) could impact so many other things in my life.

    Wow, Paris...very insightful. We do always worry about what others have and if we measure up. Do you think that's a woman thing or just a human thing? I find myself being so much harder on myself. I don't think that my husband is as hard on himself so I wonder...looks like you've given me another musing!

  7. I think I would tell myself, "stop worrying" because I would always worry about the future. Now that I'm wiser I know that the future is never what we plan! Sure it's good to have a plan so that we don't stray off of our path but worrying gets you nowhere. Instead, work hard to play hard :)

  8. Thank you Cathy. Isn't it funny how we think we have a plan and then life happens? I'm glad that you have stopped by!

  9. Happy birthday! I'd say "Cowgirl Up!" If I ever get another tattoo, that will be what is says.

  10. Great post Melissa and happy birthday! I think I'd tell my younger self, Live life.
    So often we go through life second-guessing our actions and worrying about different issues, whether it be money, weight, relationships, that we forget to just LIVE!

  11. D'Ann...You are a cowgirl and I'm so jealous of your ability to do that! You certainly should get that second tattoo!

    Thanks J. We do always second guess ourselves. Worry about what others think, worry about how we look, worry about our decisions. Do you think women worry more than guys? Why is that? How could we fix it?

  12. Only two words? That's really tough. I think I'd pick "Be Kind!" A lot of stuff could be avoided if we all would do that.

  13. Jean- That is so true! I loved the image in this post about saying something nice. It's important to be kind because we don't know what other people are facing.

  14. I have no idea if it would work to tell my younger self this... I've been hearing the advice all my life. Maybe coming from future self it just might work.
    "Stop worrying."
    Great post, Melissa. Happy Birthday.

  15. That's the thing about telling our younger self anything...we probably wouldn't listen!

  16. I would tell myself to 'Avoid brother' But younger me learned fast enough.

  17. What an inspiring post. Musings of a Madcap Mind is the coolest title. Sounds like a cool book too.

  18. So wise are we, later in life. Hindsight is indeed 20/20.

    I enjoyed your thought provoking post, Melissa. Thanks.

  19. all great advice. thanks for sharing.

  20. Liza- Somethings have to be learned. I don't know it would have the impact without it.

    Cara- Thank you. It's been a way to describe my thought process for years!

    Thank you Gemma. Too bad we have to sometimes grow up to understand it.

    Thank you Liz. I appreciate you sharing!

  21. There is time enough...all we are allowed.

  22. Hi Melissa,

    Good topic. My two words to myself: Be Patient
