Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You Are Published: When Will You Publish Again?

I have published three books and a novella, but I'm a slow writer.  I have a finished book, but it needs revision, and there isn't any time to do it.  Every week, I post a blog, which is a form of writing and I'm reading a finished book (not published) for a friend.  Both of these things are writing related, but they don't help me to finish my book.  They do keep me learning to write.

My husband has a bad knee, which he aggravated by falling from a ladder, and will probably need knee replacement sometime in the future.  After his fall, he was okay the first day, but the next two days it got worse and he finally took some pain pills for it.  The knee is better, but for how long we don't know.

The week before, I had to go to the doctor with my brother to make sure to get the straight scoop.  He had neck surgery seven years ago, and he's been losing the use of his left arm gradually over the last year.  They are going to try some shots in his neck to see if that helps, but if it doesn't work they'll try something else.

These are only two things that have interfered with my writing in the last few weeks.  A lot of things have hindered my writing over the last few years; even my health issues. It just doesn't seem to end, and I don't know what to do about it.  I know others go through periods like this, but how do you get passed it?

I'm terrified that I'll never get published again.  Have you ever felt like this?

Best always,

Sandra K. Marshall


  1. I understand. I've felt like that. I'm sort of in that feeling right now. I will get back to writing but this time of year is hard for me. I had another author friend tell me that she always goes through this spot of time where almost no writing gets done. Knowing that she has also been through it has allowed me to relax a little because I'm hardest on myself. I get mad at myself for not writing more.

  2. Sandy,
    I can't speak for anyone else but life sometimes presents you with problems that you have to work around. I think we all fear that we might not sell again. Don't let it stop you in your tracks. It sounds as if there is a lot going on in your life right now and you need to take a breath and not let the worry and the fear take over. Staying involved helps and it sounds as if you're doing that, so congratulations.

    What works for me is to set smaller goals. If you only have time to revise one page a day, you could accomplish a polished novel in a set amount of time. Good luck!

  3. Oh hey, I ALWAYS feel like this. I'm always wondering about the next book, and then the next and the next and the next. It's so easy to fail in this business and so very hard to succeed. That's why it's my belief that most writers write because they simply have to, not because they actually believe they'll ever become rich or famous doing this.

  4. Oh dear, how does life get in our way? Yet it does. I'd just begun writing when Handsome was diagnosed with Stage 3 throat cancer. But I did the things you are doing: helping a friend, workshops, reading, meetings. Then I set a deadline date and honored it. Nothing got in my way. And I believed I would be okay and I am.

    I have a good friend and she writes at her lunch hour. Headphones in, she gets to work and has done a few books and novellas this way.

  5. It sounds like your plate is pretty full right now Sandy. Having health issues (RA) knock the wind from my sails with a relapse last year, I know how you feel. I haven't been as productive as I'd like to be novel-wise, but I try to promote daily in some way or another.

    Since your time is scarce right now why not try something new and small -- a book of short stories perhaps? If that's not something your publisher would consider, how about self-publishing it? Think of it like a book of commuter shorts -- little love stories to read to and from work and finish in a single day. You'd feel productive and your readers would get something fantastic and new. :) Best luck and a wish for more worry-free creative time.


  6. Sounds like that familiar writers' bog. Don't worry, you'll get through it. I always write every day, even if I tear up the little bit I did the next day. You gotta keep writing....

  7. Sandy, I think all of us writers have been where you are. Thankfully, my husband and I have not had health problems, but many other life issues get in the way of writing time. When I worked fulltime I wrote at my desk every lunch hour. After I retired I figured I'd get lots of books written. I'm a slow writer too. And I'm busy every day with things that must be done.

    Rose mentioned short stories and indie publishing. Both excellent ideas. I was about to give up writing altogether a few years ago because I hadn't sold anything for a while and it took ages to hear back from publishers. Then I wrote a short story and sold it to one of the confession magazines. That energized my writing. I love doing short stories. Now that I'm heavily into indie publishing I no longer worry if I'll sell to a publisher. But I do worry about my sales to readers. It never ends.

    Just know you're not alone, Sandy. Write what you can when you can and write for the sheer enjoyment of it. You'll soon be back in the groove.

  8. Sorry for being so late getting in here, but I've had company, and they just left today.

    Melissa, I'm hardest on myself, too. It's just so hard to find time to write, especially, as I get older.

  9. Paris, thank you for your excellent advice. I'll try to do that. I should be able to get through one page a day.

  10. LOL You're so right, Tina. I'll never become rich and famous.

  11. Thank you, Vicki. I'm sorry to hear about 'H' having stage 3 throat cancer. That's tough. I had a friend go through stage 4 esophageal cancer, and it was not a picnic. He made it though and is finally gaining back.

  12. Thanks for the suggestion, Rose. My publisher has suggested a short story in the same setting as my three novels, so readers will be enticed to read them when they come out with new covers.

  13. You're right, Jean. We have to write every day even if it's only to blog. Smile!

  14. Cara, you're sweet. Thank you for your kind words.

  15. I'm like gets in the way and I feel like I may never get going again! I can't write when my mind is concentrating on family related events/illnesses/etc. Just can't focus.
    By keeping up with groups and blogs, I feel like I'm still "in the writing loop" and hope to kick my muse in the rear and say "it's time for me to actually WRITE another book"!

  16. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Don't beat yourself up about not getting that next book out. Write when you have time and just do what you have to do.

