Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me

Tomorrow is my son's fourteenth birthday. That means I've officially been writing for fourteen years now. Yes, the two are linked.

I'd always wanted to be a writer. I grew up writing plays in elementary school, YA in junior high, and romance novels in high school. See a pattern here? Yes, I wrote what I knew and what interested me. Life, however, got in the way for many years. I never fully gave up the writing dream, but it became a "someday" wish. We all have "someday" wishes. "Someday, I'll go to Paris..." "Someday, I'll buy a new car..." "Someday, I'll be a size six..."

The thing is, "Someday" really never comes. There's only today. So when I found myself bed-confined in the final weeks of pregnancy fourteen years ago, the hubster brought home a computer and told me this was my Someday. Suddenly after years of working full-time, I had an opportunity to do what I always dreamed of: write a novel.

As of this year, I'll have nine books published (so far!). I have three full manuscripts I'm currently shopping around. And the ideas are still coming. Stories are lined up in a giant queue in my head (next to the reminder to do my taxes and my recipe for Buffalo Chicken Dip--it's a completely chaotic storage facility in my skull) waiting patiently for their turn to shine.

What's the moral of the story? Don't wait for Someday. No matter what your goal. Start making it a reality now. (And happy birthday, Nicholas B!)


  1. Congrats on your anniversary, Gina. Nine books - wow!!

  2. Congrats on your anniversary, your books pubbed, and happy birthday to Mr. Nicholas!! My someday wish is a real honeymoon finally for the husband and I. And of course 'The Call'!

  3. Happy anniversary to you and happy birthday to Nick. Such words of wisdom...maybe they'll sink in one of these days :)

  4. What a coincidence! My daughter was six days old when I received my first box of MY books in the mail. I'll always know my book anniversary by her birthday, too!

    Happy Anniversary.

  5. Wow! Congratulations. Great message and great post :0)

    And Happy birthday to Nick!

  6. Excellent advice, Gina. Someday is today and the menagerie of ideas writers amass won't be read by anyone unless we get those ideas on paper. No one can do it for us - and isn't the outcome of finally seeing words on paper the biggest thrill?!


  7. Happy anniversary to you and happy birthday to Nicholas. How beautiful that these two great life shapers travel together.
    XXOO Kat

  8. What a wonderful husband to help you have your 'someday'. Congrats on your anniversary. :)

  9. Inspiring post... congratulations on all those good things. Jean

  10. So glad you recognized your someday and grabbed it! Congrats & happy birthday to your son!
