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Friday, June 14, 2019

HUG Someone Today


 In this "politically correct"environment we see today, can you ever get tired of true, normal hugs?

Some people never hug...don't like that "close" contact. Others, like me, grew up in a family environment where we hugged all the time...relatives and friends alike.

Types of hugs:
1. The hello, friendly hug.
 A greeting besides just saying "Hello".

2. The "good job" hug.
Watch sports. Don't teammates sometimes hug each other after a particular good play or win?

3. The "everyone else hugged you so I better" hug.
The quick call hug. You're at a party/event/whatever. Someone you know enters and you watch as everyone greets this person with a hug. What do you do? You join in and follow the crowd so you don't appear to be "different".

4. The family hug.
Yeah, I got used to this very quickly as a child. If someone was family, you hugged. No brainer there. Big Italian families are "touchy/feely" people.

5. The comforting hug.
These are for times of sadness and a show of commiserating (I'm here, I understand" support.

6. The love hug.
Totally different that the others mentioned above. This one involves romance, love, passion, name it.         

Hug someone today...and be hugged in return!

HOT FUN IN THE SUMMER TIME -New anthology: Release Date 25 June


Photos: Flickr: kevindooley, lululemon athletica, Corie Howell, ashengrove, Cowboy Ben Alman, snre, and Sabrina Campagna's photostreams.


kaisquared said...

Just shared a lot of hugs of all kinds at RAGT!

Mary M.

emmasmom69 AT gmail DOT com

kaisquared said...

Always forgetting to mention I am in the USA

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

I am such a hugger. I was once on a list somewhere and people said they didn't like to be touched or hugged. I was so bothered by that.

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